This was my self-rant that I talked about almost posting in Liz' journal:
I remember when I hit my 4th day (the first time) on plan. I used to come home from work (dealing with 14 year olds all day and being 350 lbs), sit in my nice, comfy futon chair. Turn on the TV and watch while I graded HW. Got up, made dinner, eat dinner, sit back in the futon chair, get up and go to bed. No energy at all... until day 4 on plan.
Oh my gosh!!!! I couldn't sit down for more that 5 minutes. I haed to get up and do something (thank goodness we got a dog). I was up and moving, running with the dog, doing something.
I have since fallen off plan numerous times and restarted over and over, and it still happens. Day 4, tons of energy, and energy as long as I stick to the plan.
Yes, there are days I get tired... we all do. We also catch bugs which bring us down, but ya know, alot less often than before... so it definitely helps to stick to the plan.
Now, maybe I can follow these things, and stick to the program for good. Sometimes I think its just good to go back and re-read ones own journal for some inspiration too.