Things have definitely stalled for me here.

I know its my own fault. I have fallen back into that mindtrap that I tend towards.
I have a degree in Biology, which means that I studied nutrition and biological molecules, and how they interact.

Heck, I teach the stuff as it is. That doesn't mean that I don't still struggle with my own desires to eat all of that great tasting stuff eventhough I don't need it.
I worked my way up to 460 lbs that way. Then I decided to have weight loss surgery. I thought it was my last shot, and had never heard of Medifast

(and at the time, I believe it was still the 6 supplement plan at the time)
I lost 55 lbs under Dr. orders and his diet plan, which was basically a mini fast using a high protein shake (55 grams protein) twice a day and a small L&G.
I had the surgery and lost another 105 lbs, then I slipped back into my old habits. Over the next year and a half, I slowly added on 45 lbs that I had worked so hard to lose.
I knew it was happening, but I kept making excuses to myself. I knew what I had to do, but doing it is another thing.

I'm not someone who goes hog wild

(no pun intended). I don't eat lots of sugary foods. I am a carbaholic though. I love starchy foods. Its my downfall. I struggle with it everyday. I struggle with in on Medifast, I make the same excuses. I'll just miss a supplement and have a "little extra" of this or that.
I haven't gone the other way, yet. I still struggle with the same 5 lbs, then I'll lose it, and then struggle with the next 5 lbs for a month or so.
This program is so great, I lost 60 lbs faster than I ever thought that I could have before (without WLS), and did it without feeling like I am starving myself.
So, where am I now. I am still struggling everyday. Thankfully I have a huge support structure.... Di, my friends, my family, Terry and Nancy, and all of you here.
We all struggle, we all fall a bit, but we all get back up and get back in there. As the good book says "For all have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God" - Romans 3:23.
Does this relate to weight. Of course it does. Our bodies are to be a holy temple that Christ indwells, I am to make sure that this temple is clean and when I take stuff into it that isn't, then I am in essence, sinning. It is my job to make sure that what I do with my body is glorifying to God.
So, where to go from here.... well, I've decided that one of my problems is that when I have the freedom to have too many choices, I tend to make the wrong ones. So, I am going to limit my choices. I just recently met with my doctor, and my labs are fabulous, so the diet is helping.

So, I am going to focus on just Medifast supplements for my meals. I'm not going to do the 6-0 plan, thats too little for me, but I figure since the 5-1 plan provides around 900-1100 calories a day, then I would do well on a plan that provides between 800-900 calories. Thats between 7-9 supplements a day, depending on what I have.

So, thats what I am going to do. I have let my doctor know and he says it sounds okay, just if I start to not feel right, then switch back for a while, and let him know.
Di has been feeling like she has slowed more than she wants to, and wants to do something similar, so we are doing this together. This helps.
So, here is to a new start, a new direction, and preparing for a new year.
I wish everyone the best, and hopefully, you will all be seeing less of me in the near future.