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Postby Mike » August 1st, 2006, 7:00 pm

So, we got up and went shopping (we forgot Di's swimsuit at home:dooh: ). So, after procuring a suitable substitute, we headed for my favorite beach... Moss Landing. :yeah: We trekked out and set up near a log and slowly made our way out into the water... brrrrr. After getting sufficiently numb we were in up to our chests as the waves were crashing in on us. After a bit we backed out and began searching for sand dollars. At one point Di decided to go up and get some water. After a bit I turned around and caught her taking pictures of me continuing on my quest to find more sand dollars.:nutz:
Eventually, I got out and decided that I had found enough sand dollars and it would be good to dry off for a bit. After having our supplements, we layed down and bathed in the sun for a bit. Di put plenty of sunscreen on me, and she decided she didn't want any so that she could get a tan.
After a bit we decided to go back out into the water, where we got a bit chilled and decided it was time to go.:stroll:
We left the beach and then headed for Hectors to get our chicken. We made it back to our motel and after a bit of TV, Di started looking and noticed that she got a considerable sunburn. Not fun, and unfortunately, not a tan, but I think she will be okay. Her biggest complain is that it wasn't even... there are blotches.:scratch:
Anyhow, we may go and hang out at Borders tonight, or we may just hang out here and watch TV and read a bit.:pagesturn: :thumbig:
Going home tomorrow, its been a refreshing week though.:hug:
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Postby TonyR » August 1st, 2006, 7:17 pm

Glad you guys have had some fun and relaxation!!! Was the waves the same as when we went a few years back?? Those rocked!!! :kool:
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Postby Mike » August 1st, 2006, 7:32 pm

They seemed a bit rougher, and I didn't go out as far this time. That time was awesome. We did see a sea lion that was actually closer this time than that time. Lots of pictures of pelicans. :mrgreen:
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Postby sidrah » August 1st, 2006, 8:58 pm

I'm jealous! Teachers in my district report back tomorrow and kids start Aug 8th. So, I am already sitting here doing lessons...so sad.
Don't really care as long as everything's better than yesterday was...

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Postby Mike » August 2nd, 2006, 7:05 pm

Yes Sidrah, but when did you get out for summer? We aren't out until mid-June. The cool thing is that this year we have a new schedule and we get an extra week for Spring break, but still get out June 18.

So, we are home now... Di has a nice sunburn there on her back and below her chin (I've sprayed her a few times with lidocaine/aloe spray). We took our time coming home with a stop at the Mission San Juan Bautista for some history, then shopping at the Gilroy Outlet Stores (I am now officially in 2X shorts and underwear... TMI). :mrgreen:

Anyhow, made it home safely, had agreat trip, and get to veg out here for 4 days until we leave again for San Jose. Di has another training she must attend for this next school year and so we are going to stay in San Jose. I am sure I will find things to do during the day... there is the Tech museum and other points of interest.. and there is always the Great Mall with a Century 20 theater. ;)
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Postby Mike » August 4th, 2006, 2:25 pm

Man am I glad I got past that out of ketosis phase. I feel so much better today, and don't have the munchies. I know what its like now, and don't want that to happen again. Sometimes it takes this reminder to keep me in check. :hammerhead:
Today is a bit slower, but we will be leaving again for San Jose for a week on Sunday night (another week in a hotel room... :mrgreen: )
Had time today to catch up on e-mails and processing the digital pictures.
I will say that I am not ready for school to start, but alas, the time is creeping up fast. I am basically back on the 15th. :x Where has the summer gone? :scratchhead:
Oh well, c'est la vie :mrgreen:
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Postby TonyR » August 4th, 2006, 8:12 pm

So what is going on in San Jo?
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Postby Mike » August 4th, 2006, 11:39 pm

Note previous post. Di has yet another training to do and so we are just going to stay there.
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Postby Mike » August 5th, 2006, 2:44 pm

I'm tired of not losing weight faster :cry:
Okay, so I know that I could do better, and I need to, and I know all of the ways that I hinder my own progress..... :brickwall: and this is me, telling myself, that I have decided to rededicate myself to being better.:whip:
After last weeks time of being off plan and seeing my weight loss not happen as fast as I want it to be, I have been a little frustrated (not alot, just a little). :scratchhead:
I know that I used to get frustrated and just say heck with the whole thing and go to Taco Bell and have a Supernachos or something. :eat: I am not doing that anymore. :help: I have a program that works, and I feel more comfortable with than any other program that I have tried in my life (and thats saying something).:yeah:
I'm 36 years old, I used to weigh 460 lbs... I am down to the weight that I was when I was 14 or 15, and I am not gonna let temptations slow me down.:x GET THEE BEHIND ME SATAN!! :twisted:
Medifast has given me the tool that I need to get to where I need to be, and has given me the healthy lifestyle that I have NEVER had. I'm not eating mashed potatoes and gravy, or spahetti, or pizza for every meal anymore. I am not gaining 15-30 lbs a year. I am moving the other direction. :cheermed:
Thankfully I have a loving wife, and mother, and sister, and sister (and brother) in law, and mother in law, and best friends (Tony and Sharon rock :kool:), who support me in this struggle. :hug: They all know what a struggle it is, and all of them are in on the deal too. :goteam:

So, here is to me getting back in the proper mindset, getting back on the straight and narrow, and being more compliant than I have been in the past few weeks. :thumbsup: Thank you Jesus for your strength and guidance :cheers:, and thank you Di for being there and loving me no matter what. :heart: :rose:
Last edited by Mike on August 12th, 2006, 10:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Mike » August 12th, 2006, 10:29 am

And so after writing that last post that I was back on and going to be more strict, I fell off completely. :cry:
This last week we went to San Jose and Monday I took my mom and a friend to the Monterey Bay Aquarium, and I had the clam chowder, and some sugar free chocolate. I also bought SF peanut brittle. :shock:
Then the rest of the week we went out for L&G's and I had more clam chowder. It was like I just didn't want to be good.... and now I am paying for it. We found TCBY and I had SF frozen yogurt too... ugh!:eat:
So, I get home and weighed today... I am up 3 lbs. :tongue:
Okay, so now we are home and I am staying on plan. I will not let myself do that again. :brickwall:
I was really frustrated, couldn't sleep, contemplated just forgetting about this forum (never thought of quitting MF though ;) ) I'm better now though. Even I need support sometimes I guess.... I just hate realizing that I do! :roll:
Anyhow, I'm back on the wagon, and am getting ready to get out there and get more people healthy now :walk: :thumbig:
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Postby TonyR » August 12th, 2006, 1:00 pm

Hang in here Mikey!!! you will get back to work, and into the swing of things and you will do better!! 8)
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Postby Arklahoma » August 12th, 2006, 6:53 pm

I'm so glad to see that you're hanging in there. It's so hard to stay on-plan when life is out of the ordinary, but now you're back home and things will be much easier. Best of luck!!!
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Postby SharonR » August 13th, 2006, 6:23 am

Hang in there Mike. It's so hard to go back on plan after being off for awhile or just being wishy-washy...ugh. Yesterday was the first time in 12 days that I stayed TOTALLY compliant! Felt good, but I was a little grouchy at few points... :mrgreen:
Stay Strong, you KNOW you can do this! What is your Motto again? UHUH, we know what it is!
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Postby Mike » August 13th, 2006, 12:11 pm

Amen to that sister... =0)
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Postby Mike » August 17th, 2006, 10:42 pm

Boy has this been a hectic week. :runner: We hosted tasting parties, and the place they were to be held wasn't open on time, but we got in eventually. :-P While I was waiting I got a call from my mom that she was being taken to the hospital because she had had a heart attack, :( so off I went :burnout: :drive: and others took care of the parties.
Found out mom actually had two heart attacks, last Friday and on Monday.:shock:
All of this, and school is starting soon, so we have also been there getting ready.:aarggh:
Its all just been a rough week, but at least mom is doing okay and my room is almost ready. :bahhumbug: Hopefully the next few days will be less eventful. :bouncieball:
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