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Postby Dayna » July 13th, 2006, 8:13 pm

Oh, this Middle East stuff . . . well, it is a little frustrating to me how one-sided much of the reporting of this has been. I'm afraid to start going on my thoughts on this matter, since this isn't really a political forum. But fear not, Mike, if you want my thoughts, you'll hear 'em all! Roger and I have been having some interesting conversations; this seems to be a pretty pivotal moment.

CONGRATULATIONS on fitting in the desk! That's so awesome! I remember when I tried to sit in a desk at North, and I couldn't, and I was soooo embarassed. That's a great NSV.

See you in a couple of days!
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Postby TonyR » July 13th, 2006, 8:18 pm

Yeah, it is funny how the Philistines (Palistinians) and Israelites still to this day are battling!! :hammerhead:
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Postby Mike » July 13th, 2006, 8:21 pm

Yes, but I've been waiting to see some of this stuff unfolding. As it leads me to believe in Ezekiel 38 that an attack will come on Israel from the North (Gog and Magog). So, we shall wait and see how things progress. This may be a sign of some prophecy to start coming true.. we shall see.
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Postby Janae » July 13th, 2006, 8:30 pm


I'm all eyes and ears on the Israel front... I agree with you...it warrants our attention!

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Postby Mike » July 13th, 2006, 8:34 pm

Thanks Janae... we got a 5 x 7 rug and put a pad under it so it should help with the suppoirt under our feet.
We are beat from setting things up (and me dealing with Statistics from 8 to 12).
Its all set though.
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Postby Mike » July 15th, 2006, 2:18 pm

Well, here we are at the fair. Its been slow, but we have had a few people stop by and talk to us about the program.
Tony and Sharon were here yesterday and Sharon is coming to help today.
We will keep you all posted.
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Postby Rachel » July 15th, 2006, 2:57 pm

mrmmac wrote:Okay, so this is just me being me, but I'm frustrated.:hammerhead:
When I had gastric bypass in 2003, I had gotten down to 300 from 460. I couldn't seem to get much below 300 and then I got frustrated and started eating wrong. :goofy: I ended up gaining back 45 lbs over the next year and a half, just before I started Medfifast. :dooh:
Now I am back down to that point and I've been here for a couple of weeks and its not dropping again.:brickwall: I almost feel like 300 is where my body is telling me it won't go below, but I know I can get there... I'm just frustrated.:hammerhead:
So, I'm just venting my frustrations here because I can. :thumbup:
So anyways, I know I have a great support team who always cheer me on :cleader: :coach: (Dayna, Diana, Tony, Sharon) and I am so happy that I have them :whoohoo:
I just needed to let this out and hope that the scale behaves this next weigh in :coolnana:

Hey I know how you feel. Do not worry and do not come off the diet! It will work. the Plateau will end! I agree you should just try walks. even adding something little like that each day helps. just any moving around or doing more house work. reorganize an office or crowded closet. keep a busy schedule and enjoy more activities. keep moving and DON'T GIVE UP! your body does not want to stay at 300. the scale will move, i promise.

I sort of can relate to you because my loss slowed way down but I never gained anything back! Now i'm losing steadily again! wooo hoo!! GO US!
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Postby mellowmom » July 15th, 2006, 3:42 pm

Congrats on the NSV mike. isn't it amazing how long our minds stick to our old images of ourself.

"There's no way I'll fit in that desk, or that watch will go around my wrist, or I can sit in that restaurant booth...."

And then curiousity gets the best of you and you try and you are victorious. And sometimes you still don't believe it...

Gosh, I love this plan.

Keep up the great work. Hope your booth at the Solano Fair is very successful. Hmmm I should have thought about that for the Gilroy Garlic Festival...though I'm not sure how it would work at a "food fair" of sorts. Maybe would need to have a lot of MF receipes to show featuring that "stinking rose"...garlic. Mmmmmm
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Postby Mike » July 15th, 2006, 9:49 pm

Thank you Rachel, Mellowmom, and Vicky for your kind words and encouragement.
Diana and I are hanging all day here at the Solano County Fair, trying to get more people healthy with TSFL.
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Postby sidrah » July 15th, 2006, 11:24 pm

You brought the computer with you??Or are you guys only daytime "employees" of the fair.
Don't really care as long as everything's better than yesterday was...

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Postby Mike » July 15th, 2006, 11:43 pm

We aren't "employees" of the fair. We have a TSFL booth in the exposition hall. We are vendors. Alot of the time we just hang out in the booth and hope someone comes by to ask about the program.
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Postby sidrah » July 16th, 2006, 12:47 am

I know you guys are just vendors, that's why I put in in quotation marks.--cause it seems like you will be spending lots of time there this week.

Have you had many people come to talk to you. I think it is a great idea what you're doing.
Don't really care as long as everything's better than yesterday was...

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Postby Unca_Tim » July 16th, 2006, 8:14 am

Pictures of the booth?
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Postby Mike » July 16th, 2006, 9:00 am

We've had a few folks come and ask questions. A few others just to come and enter the drawing (samples of MF 55, 70, diabetic).
I did tell Diana yesterday that I noticed something that I had never realized when I was so big (460). There are alot of people out there that are overweight :cry:
I would never have really looked at things like that had I not lost so much weight and gotten healthier. I look at people now from a different perspective, one of hope that they will live a more healthy life, and that is what we are trying to accomplish :D
I just wish that more people were ready to put in the energy to do it :(
Anyhow... I think we have the booth finally settled into how we (Diana) wants it ;) So we will probably take pictures today Unca. Will try to send them to you from the fair.
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Postby Mike » July 18th, 2006, 2:36 pm

Okay, so its the 5th day of the fair. Dayna is here with Diana and myself. Its cooler today, thankfully. Sunday it was 98 and yesterday it was 104. Drinking lots of water.
We are meeting lots of people, some know about Medifast, some are learning.
So far we have a couple of people who want to try a tasting so that's good.
So, things are going well I would say.
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