Well, its been a bit hectic in life lately. Di's work schedule/possibilities have been in flux for a few weeks. Mine was settled, then unsettled, then settled again, and now I feel unsettled about it.
I haven't been paid for teaching my extra class yet and we (a few teachers at my site are teaching extra classes) have found out that there is an issue with our contract. Seems the district isn't sure that they want to pay us.
This has added alot of stress to me the past few days, in addition to the stress of actually teaching the extra class.... and doing 1st quarter grades.
Add into that trying to be a good HA for people, and a good hubby.... suffice it say that its been a tough few weeks for me.
I try not to put much "out there", I'm really an introvert at heart (some may find that difficult to believe, but its true).
Anyhow, we all have the day to day things that get to us, and its just been alot lately. Needless to say, I've been off plan the past few days and I really don't feel good about myself right now. I know I need to get back on plan, and as many of you know, you have to really want to do it from the heart.
I know that I can do this, heck I help others do it all the time. I just need to want to do this for me. There are other things going on which makes it hard for me to be at that place.
So anyhow, as I know some folks actually do read journals, this may help explain why I haven't been on the forum as often as I usually am. I still check it regularly, but I do have things on my mind other than "what's happening" here. I still care and I am here to support those who need it though, even if it seems I need a little support myself.
Chaznged my ticket to reflect reality. Luckily, I'm still in the 70# club.
Keep me in your prayers please. I know with HIM, I can do all things.