Thanks Joy for the uplift.
I've been trying harder the past few weeks, and it is showing. I've been losing for the past month and it just goes to prove that compliance works.
School starting is always tough, but I've been more aware of my downfalls and the things that get me into trouble, and have been prevailing more. I've been getting coffee instead of lattes and have not been having over the the L&G requirements as much (when I have an L&G).
I think it all comes down to knowing myself

, what my triggers are

, what things I can deal with

, and what makes it easier for me to not be tempted.
I have a great support system in my wife (thanks Di)

And I have lots of friends here and at work who keep me going
All I know is that I know where I am going

, I know where I have been

, and I know what I want.

Besides, I have my 20 year class of 1987 reunion on November 10

and I want folks there to see a new me

... not the fat kid that they all knew.
So with that, here we go.....