My sister! I love that gal.
I sit here, unable to sleep for whatever reason.. 4 AM and don't need to be up til 6:30.
I've decided that the Solano County Fair is going to be a success, because with Diana spearheading this it just has to be!
We got the frame all set up today, and so tomorrow its just the aesthetics.
Let's face it, when it comes to aesthetics, thank goodness its not up to me.
As you can tell, I'm just rambling here...
Class starts in less than 4 hours.... and I've had maybe an hour of sleep... glad I got the homework done. Besides, who cares what the probability of a bear visiting your campground given that you leave the food out overnight... or as my instructor would say, use proper notation... P(B/FO), even if the answer is 84%
On a political note, is it just me or is what's going on between Israel and Lebanon right now seem eerily similar to a few verses Job and Revelation? Just wondering if its just me...
On a funny note... I heard a story on the radio the other day. Seems there was a chase in the great coal state of West Virginia the other day. A man was being chased by two of West Virginia's finest troopers when the man stumbled over a ledge, fell 70 ft and then rolled down a hill another 100 ft. Apparently the trooper chasing him was running so fast that he couldn't stop, and he followed suit. The kicker was that the troopers partner (and after hearing the story I am sure his name must have been Cletis or Enos or some such name), anyhow, he decides to help his partner, so he jumps after him. Yes, thats right.... jumped right into a tree.

I just was picturing this whole scenario going down and thinking it must have been like some old Dukes of Hazzard episode or something. Apparently it happened though... scary.
Well, I think thats it for me for now... I hope this has been informative and entertaining....