Whew! Well, the semester is officially over, and boy am I glad.
I do have to say this has been one of the more challenging years I have had as a teacher. Why?

Because the students that I have this year have been very difficult to form any kind of relationship with.

Normally, I have no problem reaching them, using their own sense of values to get many of my own points across.
I don't know if its just this group of students this year, or if its a trend that is happening, but it seems to be getting more difficult to get students to care about what they are learning (or trying to learn at all).
I teach middle school science, which many of us remember as a required class. Apparently not anymore.

The focus now is more on math and english, so if a students schedule allows for history and/or science, then they also take that. Don't ask me where this idea came from.
Anyhow, I have an interesting mix of students, and many of them recognize that, and the district administration tells them as much at times, it doesn't matter if they pass my class.
So, I do what I can given these challenges, but it does seem like I am just spinning my wheels at times.

Thank goodness for those bright lights in the darkness, those students who are a true joy, and who really do try.

If it weren't for them I could see myself starting to become like some of my colleagues have already become (which scares me).
Anyhow, I can't remember when I soooo looked forward to "winter break"

(which when I was growing up was Christmas Break

), but nonetheless, I am happy to have 2 weeks of to recharge my spirit,

and of course, lose some weight.
Diana and I plan to get some organizing done.

Work on our business

, get settled with the new pooch

, get some rest

, and spend some time together apart from the day in day out of work.
We plan on having a Merry Christmas, and are looking forward to a very Happy New Year.....