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Postby Karli » December 9th, 2006, 12:54 am

oooops, one more thought I just had to add. Don't underestimate the (immense) value in the lessons you are learning at the moment. They will serve you *very* well when you are back ON and rocking and have a little different perspective on this particular point in your journey (and remember, it is just a point, a phase (that you can gain control over and power to move through), you are still on the journey. You have not ended nor fallen off of that -- and really, how could you ?).

Also, you will be able to better serve your clients with the perspective you will gain from fighting this fight. In other words, the fight is worth the effort and will serve a very useful purpose for your own life, and in the lives of the hundreds of other people that you touch.

And, you might want to go back and read through your thoughts in you journal here, from the beginning. I have found it to be greatly motivating and inspiring, as well as educational, to again peer into my thinking from my MF beginnings. Perhaps you will, too.

Cheers, cheers, hugs, and best wishes.

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Postby Mike » December 11th, 2006, 9:55 am

Thanks ladies for the positive responses. Biki, too funny about the brocolli and donuts (although I avoid both most of the time). Wish God had never invented Enchiladas.... ;)
Thanks. :mrgreen:
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Postby Mike » December 17th, 2006, 6:20 pm

Okay, I felt the need to leave an update. I have been majorly struggling for the past 2 months. I had maintained up until Thanksgiving, and then the week after Thanksgiving I gained. Then I felt bad about that, and promised myself to get back on the program. I failed at that and gained some more.
Then this past week I decided that I know what I have to do, and I would rather feel better sooner than later.
I know I'm not supposed to compare myself to others, but I also know that I could be at or below my goal right now if I had stuck to the program from the beginning. Tony and bdg are awesome inspirations to me. bdg and I started the same day. Tony started 3 weeks later. They have both lost at least twice what I have on this program.
Yes, I had lost over 100 lbs before Medifast, but still, I could have had similar results had I made the proper secondary choices to meeting my primary goal.
So, what does this all mean. What it means is that this past week I have been sticking to the program. A couple days I did 7 supplements instead of an L&G (2 bars), which of course is not the proper program. I think it did jump start things for me though.

I have lost 3 lbs of what I had gained back in the past month, and am sticking with it. Hopefully, by next week I am at least back to where I was before the gain, and then the next week finally into the 70# club. I'm tired of wasting my time and not going anywhere.
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Postby Mike » December 22nd, 2006, 12:13 am

Whew! Well, the semester is officially over, and boy am I glad. :nutz:
I do have to say this has been one of the more challenging years I have had as a teacher. Why? :hmmm: Because the students that I have this year have been very difficult to form any kind of relationship with. :bricks: Normally, I have no problem reaching them, using their own sense of values to get many of my own points across.
I don't know if its just this group of students this year, or if its a trend that is happening, but it seems to be getting more difficult to get students to care about what they are learning (or trying to learn at all). :table:
I teach middle school science, which many of us remember as a required class. Apparently not anymore. :dooh: The focus now is more on math and english, so if a students schedule allows for history and/or science, then they also take that. Don't ask me where this idea came from. :question:
Anyhow, I have an interesting mix of students, and many of them recognize that, and the district administration tells them as much at times, it doesn't matter if they pass my class. :x
So, I do what I can given these challenges, but it does seem like I am just spinning my wheels at times. :deadhorse: Thank goodness for those bright lights in the darkness, those students who are a true joy, and who really do try. :bigidea: If it weren't for them I could see myself starting to become like some of my colleagues have already become (which scares me). :uhuh:

Anyhow, I can't remember when I soooo looked forward to "winter break" :hi5: (which when I was growing up was Christmas Break :scratch: ), but nonetheless, I am happy to have 2 weeks of to recharge my spirit, :woohoo: and of course, lose some weight. :treadjog:

Diana and I plan to get some organizing done. :clap: Work on our business :stroll: , get settled with the new pooch :coolnana: , get some rest :snooze: , and spend some time together apart from the day in day out of work. :hug:

We plan on having a Merry Christmas, and are looking forward to a very Happy New Year..... :goteam:
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Postby Diana » December 22nd, 2006, 12:31 am

Be encouraged, beloved man. You are impacting young lives, the ramifications of which you may never get to realize.

Dayna read me a statistic that urban high school teacher was the most stressful position around. We decided that urban middle school teacher can't be too far behind. And you are so much better equipped to handle the stress now that your health has improved so much!!

Looking forward to all the non-school time together with you! :heart:
Here's to our mutual success! :buddies: --Diana
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Postby bikipatra » December 22nd, 2006, 2:04 am

Sounds like you have some great plans and goals. Have a great winter break! :cleader: (I am not as good as using emoticons as you but I keep trying!)
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Postby dede4wd » December 26th, 2006, 12:59 pm

Glad you get a little break Mike,

Take this time to recharge your batteries! You're doing good work for the greater good and you influence people's lives, even if you get through to one out of 20!

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Re: Hi

Postby Mike » December 27th, 2006, 12:34 am

dede4wd wrote:Glad you get a little break Mike,

Take this time to recharge your batteries! You're doing good work for the greater good and you influence people's lives, even if you get through to one out of 20!


Thanks Dede.... even if it is more like 1 out of 35 (per period). ;)
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Postby Mike » January 22nd, 2007, 10:51 am

Okay, time for my monthly post ;)
Last I posted I had gained a bit :cry: , but then I got right on the program the day after Christmas and lost it all. :thumbup: I was even down a lb. to 277. Then came the New Year, and the celebration, and a week without a routine, and I gained again. :dooh: I went completely off plan and made the decision to start back once school started back.
Well, I had gained a number of lbs that I had worked so hard to get off, but they are almost all gone again. :cleader:
I feel so much better being on this plan, and I realize that I just have to be more aware of the choices that I make and the options that I have. :idea: My problem, as most people know is that I love carb rich foods. Not sugar, but starch. They are my downfall. :bricks: For a time I was getting the low carb tortillas and making quesadillas with fat rich stuff inside. NO MORE!!!! :x
I've also realized the positive rewards of having an active dog. :dance: I have to go for walks :walk: and play ball :bouncieball: , and chase him. :leopard: This helps me get my exercise in, and I feel so much better when I do this. :whoohoo:
So, noting to myself :secret: , remember to keep pickles, sugar free popscicles and celery in the house. These are the things that help get me through those times when I get the munchies. :popcorn:

So, its a new year, with new goals, and more reasons to succeed. I've got that 20 year class reunion to wow people at. :you: I've got a new lease on life. :bravo: I've got lots of other people out there to try and help get healthy. :goteam: I've got a great wife who is in this with me. :hug: What more can someone ask for? :idontknow:

Just keep reminding yourself of all of these wonderful things.
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Postby DonicaB » January 22nd, 2007, 12:01 pm

Mike~ so glad to see your back. I have been reading through several of your posts. I know teaching middle school can be extremely stressful. :nana: (I teach middle school too). I work for a wonderful school district in Missouri about an hour or so from St. Louis. Unlike you, this year has probably been one of the easiest years I have ever had. Maybe that is why I have been able to finally get my mind set on doing MF and doing it right. My DH says I am much easier to live with this year. ;)

It looks like you have gotten things under control. You will succeed, Mike. Remember, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

I read this weekend that motivation in a decision. We have to decided to be motivated and we have to keep reminding ourselves why we are motivated. You have great reasons to stay on track. Remember the most important reason is YOU. :you:

BTW, have you ever heard of Love & Logic? Our building has been going through the material and I have found it to be quite useful this year. The program is designed to help teachers stay sane. I would be happy to find out where you can get the information. Maybe your building could go through the program also.

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Postby dede4wd » January 22nd, 2007, 7:22 pm

Hi Mike,
Glad you're back on track! I agree that having the healthy snacks in the house are imperative! I also believe an active dog helps a lot! I'm going to be so bored without my walking buddy when I go back on the road!

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Postby smartipantz » January 25th, 2007, 9:05 pm

Hiya You!!

Yep, I'm here.... just have been awfully busy around here and not on the board much. I need to start visiting more often because I used this board so much for support - I need to give some now :)

Holidays were ..... well..... interesting. I did gain a few pounds but now they are almost gone - thank god I know how to get them off!!!!!

Hugs to you and Diana - can't wait to see you both again!!!

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Postby Mike » February 3rd, 2007, 11:02 pm

So, I've been home pretty much all of the last 5 days or so. When we were in Oregon for a b-day party last weekend (Dayna's DH) :birthday:, we all went to a little mexican restaurant on Sunday before leaving to come home.:eat: Well, little did we know that this restaurant had an employee that had Norovirus, which lead to many people getting it from Jan 22 to at least Sunday the 28th. 7 of the 10 people in our party got it. :aarggh: Didn't realize it until Tuesday morning (3 AM) when I had to sprint to the bathroom. :puke: Which happened inumerable times over the next 24 hours or so.:nonono:
I'm better now, but since contagion lasts for 3 days after you feel better, I was FORCED to stay home for the rest of the week from work. :lightsword: Luckily Di didn't get it, but wouldn't want to share this with everyone at work (except maybe some specific students that I wouldn't mind not seeing for a few days :whistle: ).
I lost 10 lbs that one day, which of course, 8 lbs of returned, so I am back almost where I started from. :nana: I'm still over where I need to be from my original loss, so my ticker remains the same. At least I have an excuse for not being totally on plan the past few days, but I am in ketosis, which is a good thing. :yay:

So, one week, then we get to see Terry and Nancy and Tim, and Dayna, all of the others that will be in San Diego with us. :goteam:

Then we are headed back to Oregon for Presidents Day weekend, to spend some time with Dyana and DH, and introduce our wonder dog to their wonder dog. :hug: I don't think we will be eating at Sergios there though.:muahaha:
:kool: :mrgreen:
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Postby bikipatra » February 4th, 2007, 1:10 am

Gosh, sorry about the food poisoning! Glad you are feeling better!
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Postby Mike » February 4th, 2007, 10:55 am

Thank you for the good wishes. :D
I wish it was just food poisoning. This was Norovirus, which meant that I was also contagious. :cry:
Last edited by Mike on March 3rd, 2007, 2:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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