Might have to stop diet.....

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Might have to stop diet.....

Postby Kasber » July 27th, 2005, 8:03 am


my mother and i started this diet together a few weeks ago. she went to her doctor the other day and told him about the 'killer' headaches i was having. she advised me to discontinue the diet. i was crushed. apparently my headaches were from not getting enough calories in the day. she explained to me that the headaches were a result. right now i'm really upset that i must stop the MF diet. i will continue to eat healthy, and do the diet, but i will alter it a bit to include more meals for myself, because i lack enough calories.

has anyone else had this problem? or been in a situation similar
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Postby Nancy » July 27th, 2005, 8:26 am

Kasber ~

:hug: Awww…so sorry to hear about your :redhead: headaches.

Some people do get a :twisted: killer headache the first week as their body is adjusting to eliminating the food additives, preservatives, caffeine, etc. and changes in fluids.

Water intake is vital. Medifast is somewhat dehydrating and if a person does not drink a minimum o 64 ounces of water daily –especially during the first few weeks as the body is adjusting to the fat-burning state, headaches and constipation will thrive and rage.

Drink a whole lotta water… :water:

Some medications can also affect the program in the beginning days.

Typically the headaches go away in a week - some people have had them a bit longer. Usually ibuprofen or Advil does the trick.

Some people never get a headache.

It can be associated with a low blood sugar – be sure to have each packet every three hours.

Never go longer than four hours between packets. Every 2.5- 3 hours is best.

Many doctors do not understand the Take Shape for Life programs or the Medifast products. :whistle: They do not know it all.

For most people, the 5 and 1 program provides all the necessary food a person needs. If a person is older (age 70) or has certain health issues, they may need an extra packet or two small portions of protein.

Talk to your Health Advisor and your own physician.

Your HA can analyze your daily meal plan and schedule. Of course a Health Advisor is not a replacement for your doctor but is knowledgeable about our products and programs.

Best wishes to you...
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Postby Kasber » July 27th, 2005, 8:42 am

thank you for your response...

I was taking the diabetic one with my mom, maybe it was good for her body, maybe not for my body, do i need to change to the MF 55?
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Postby Nancy » July 27th, 2005, 8:56 am

Kasber ~

Have your Health Advisor profile you to determine the best products for your program.

You may very well be experiencing low blood sugars = :twisted: :idea: headaches...
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Postby Kasber » July 27th, 2005, 2:49 pm

thank you for your replies. :D
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Postby LilMsTexas » July 28th, 2005, 12:34 pm

Sweetie don't give up just yet. I have the WORST headaches of ANYONE I think in the very beginning. I've had to start over once (after my surgery) and went through the withdrawals again and I nearly DIE! But.....having said that........within 4 days they are gone and I don't have them again. Yes it is low calorie, but your body truly does adjust. And I am diabetic so I HAVE to have those.......and I have to be careful with low blood sugar if I don't get in all my "medi meals" on time. I no longer take any diabetic medication because of this program if that tells you how well my blood sugar control is JUST with the MF. So if you are NOT diabetic then use the regular ones and do ALL the things EXACTLY like Nancy said and you will see the pain disappear. Of course I am not a doctor and yadayadayada.........this is just my own personal experience and what worked for me. But my headaches nearly pushed me over the edge.....and now I'm just SKINNY AND BEAUTIFUL :D And now I even have the self esteem to say that outloud 8)

Take care,
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