Mid April Blue Light Specials

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Mid April Blue Light Specials

Postby Nancy » April 13th, 2005, 8:15 am

You Hoo! :byebye:

It’s time to break out the shorts, suntan lotion, patio glassware and the little paper umbrellas!

Just when you thought winter would never end, Take Shape For Life brings a little bit of :shades: summer to your taste buds and lightens your wallet just a skosh!

After mowing the yard for the first time and digging in the flowerbeds, stop for a refreshing tropical adult beverage.

Yup, the Cranberry-Mango and Tropical Punch fruit drinks are blue light specials for the rest of the month of April. :thumbup:

Regularly priced $13.95, these energizing whey-based fruit drinks are available at the special price of $10.45 per box of 7 packets.

These thirst-quenchers are meal replacements and can be used just like any of the regular Medifast shakes in your meal plan. The tropical drinks are considered to be one of the five Medifast meals for people on the 5 and 1 Program.
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
The Formerly FLABulous and Now very Fabulous
Nancy Pettit
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