Of course, Miss Jeanette, you are absolutely correct. I mean I am compulsive. I literally hop on the scale like 3 times in 5 minutes. When I'm around the house and nothing's going on, I go hop on the scale...it's insane! Soo I have a story to prove that Jeanette is correct:
My pms crampies started about two days ago. I hopped on the scale that morning and was at 183.5. Before I went to bed that night, I weighed again (BAD IDEA!). It read 188.5. How in the H E double hockeysticks does somone gain 5 lbs in one day???!!!?? Okay, so I go crying to my husband about this. Eating is still not an option for me. I mean, if I'm "starving" myself and gaining 5 lbs a day, how on earth am I going to be able to eat food and not gain weight...blah! So I do this again the next day, even though I'm down 5.5 lbs the next day (so down a half pound from the original past morning's weight). I don't know why I keep submitting myself to this scale stuff. Okay, my job is to work on not weighing myself constantly. It's kind of demoralizing. What is helpful is buying a new bra that is 1 band size smaller and 1 cup size smaller
I know I will lose the weight, just not as quickly as others. My body is different. I have to accept that. I also have to accept that this IS working. Before I would lose like 12 lbs and then stop. I'm 1 lb past my 12 lb mark, so I know I'm getting somewhere. I know the good things that are happening and eventually I will wake up at my goal weight. Now to have the strength that Tami has to not weigh myself so often
Thanks Jeanette and everyone else!