messed up - need help fast!

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messed up - need help fast!

Postby pinkgeeky » April 7th, 2004, 2:35 pm

So fast in fact that I'm not even logging in. Nope, I didn't eat, problem is, I didn't eat anything and I'm starving. I forgot to pack my third supplement today. I haven't eaten anything since 11 and it's almost 4:30 now. I am starving..I have no pickles, the bouillon stopped agreeing with me so I don't really eat it anymore. I don't have any supplements hiding away in my bag or desk either. So, I had a shake at 8, one at 11, no nothing since then. I was thinking about a bar at 5:15 and a soup at 6:15 and then a shake at 8 to make up...what do you guys think? I emailed someone here to get help fast, but haven't heard back yet so hellpppp! You can ICQ or AIM or email or post, either way....thank you! Oh and I did this one other time...I was too tired to get up from my nap, so I missed a supplement. I know this isn't good, but I guess it's better than eating bad food...dunno..
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Postby pinkgeek » April 8th, 2004, 6:21 am

Ugh...well I tried my plan of having a bar at 5:15 and then I had a soup at 6:00....I had lots of "potty problems" thereafter, so this wasn't a good idea. I guess I should have not tried to make up for the missed supplement. Then I had a huge amount of stress the rest of the evening and didn't get my last shake in until like 9pm, more potty problems. Added to that, I decided I would try to exercise some yesterday, so I had consumed 180 calories by 5pm yesterday and burned probably 80 of those calories on the treadmill :/ Not good. I weighed this morning and ended up gaining a half a pound. Lesson learned! I didn't go off the plan, but I definitely messed with it by being in too much of a hurry. I packed an entire day's worth of supplements today so I don't get caught like that again. Thanks you guys! I hope everyone is doing well on the plan. Keep shaking!

Start date: 3/21/04
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Postby Carrie » April 8th, 2004, 6:32 am

The important thing is to learn from your mistakes and carry on. Sounds like you're prepared for today ..... hope this day goes better!
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Postby Unca_Tim » April 8th, 2004, 9:40 am

Hi Pinky,
No need to panic. This isn't a race, and you aren't going to self-destruct with one mess-up. If you get caught without product anytime, anywhere, just grab a salad, even some fruit, whatever's available to get you through. Just keep away from the processed stuff. A single meal away from your Medifast isn't the end of the world, and probably will have little influence in the long term. Long as you get back on track ASAP, you'll be just fine.

Everyone's going to make small mistakes from time to time. That's a given. We're human. It's what you do after a mistake that matters.

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Postby pinkgeek » April 8th, 2004, 10:25 am

Hi Kids!

Thanks for your posts...I know I'll be alright, it's just that well if I weren't freaking out, I wouldn't be me :/ I am just a lil upset b/c I have lost like 1.5 so far now change that to 1 lb this week...that's okay cuz I'm back on track and it's not like I fed at the trough or anything. Thanks again for all of your support. I just have to work on planning better...We'll do this gang...look at Jeanette over there..miss skinny booger of the month *jealous* Go Jeanette!!!

Start date: 3/21/04
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Postby shineface » April 8th, 2004, 11:38 am

Hi Angela --

Glad you got through ok ---

LISTEN to Unca -- don't add stress to your situation... I did that in the beginning myself!

SOLUTION-- I always carry extra in my travel bag which I take everywhere - it has a shaker jar, shake mixes, bottle of water 2 or tree bars, and some soup. When I use something from my extras - I replace it immediately -- I kinda do an inventory everyday - it has never failed me!!! BIG TIME!!!!

WE WILL do this together!!! :stroll:
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Postby Jeanette » April 8th, 2004, 12:20 pm


Maybe you should consider cutting down the amount of times you weigh yourself. I think you are letting the numbers on the scale dictate what kind of day you are having! You have to look at the big picture and not every ounce, or it will drive you crazy! Don't ask me how I know!!

Just my humble opinion....
Jeanette :star:
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Postby pinkgeek » April 11th, 2004, 2:37 pm

Of course, Miss Jeanette, you are absolutely correct. I mean I am compulsive. I literally hop on the scale like 3 times in 5 minutes. When I'm around the house and nothing's going on, I go hop on the's insane! Soo I have a story to prove that Jeanette is correct:

My pms crampies started about two days ago. I hopped on the scale that morning and was at 183.5. Before I went to bed that night, I weighed again (BAD IDEA!). It read 188.5. How in the H E double hockeysticks does somone gain 5 lbs in one day???!!!?? Okay, so I go crying to my husband about this. Eating is still not an option for me. I mean, if I'm "starving" myself and gaining 5 lbs a day, how on earth am I going to be able to eat food and not gain weight...blah! So I do this again the next day, even though I'm down 5.5 lbs the next day (so down a half pound from the original past morning's weight). I don't know why I keep submitting myself to this scale stuff. Okay, my job is to work on not weighing myself constantly. It's kind of demoralizing. What is helpful is buying a new bra that is 1 band size smaller and 1 cup size smaller :) I know I will lose the weight, just not as quickly as others. My body is different. I have to accept that. I also have to accept that this IS working. Before I would lose like 12 lbs and then stop. I'm 1 lb past my 12 lb mark, so I know I'm getting somewhere. I know the good things that are happening and eventually I will wake up at my goal weight. Now to have the strength that Tami has to not weigh myself so often :) Thanks Jeanette and everyone else!

Start date: 3/21/04
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