Okay, first of all, you were
sick, so I wouldn't necessarily call taking the Nyquil a "mess up". The first couple of nights when I had my bout with bronchitis (a few weeks ago), my husband basically forced cough syrup down my throat. The only stuff we had was not sugar free, and I was afraid to take it. BUT, had I not taken it, he wouldn't have slept, which would have been bad for him, and I wouldn't have slept, which would have been bad for me. I needed the sleep so that my body could get better. Now, for the future you can maybe plan to buy the Nyquil liquid caps (no sugar, no alcohol), but for this time around you did what you had to do, and to beat yourself up over trying to get healthy is just plain unreasonable (I know, I know, emotions and reason don't often go hand-in-hand
Not having gotten all your meals I would probably identify as a bigger problem. Not one to beat yourself up over; those days are done with, you're moving forward, and for heaven's sake, you were
SICK! But through this experience, you can figure out what to do next time (which hopefully won't occur any time soon). And the hunger may have had to do with more than just "messing up," it may have been that your body just plain needs some more calories to get itself healthy. Fighting bugs is hard work for an immune system, and it takes a lot of energy. When I was toward the end of my sick-period, I found myself really, truly hungry. Per the advice of Jan (I think it was Jan), I added another shake. I also added an extra cup of water and a cube of bullion to my chicken and wild rice soup (like you've been doing), and had two pickles with it. If you're super hungry, add a shake! It won't screw up the program, and it may give you what your body needs to finish getting better.
Finally, please please please, when you step on the scale (don't suppose you can put it off for a week?), remember that you've been
SICK!!! It's not like you ran out and ate three bags of potato chips. It's not like you held up the local Dairy Queen. You had a completely valid medical problem, and you did what you had to do to get through it. DON'T be mad at yourself about that. DON'T indulge in that kind of self-destructive, self-defeatist thinking (which, by the by, are exactly the kinds of thoughts the dark one likes to whisper in our ears when we're on our way to success). It's quite possible that even without the Nyquil, or the missing of the supplements, you wouldn't see any change on the scale, because your body has been under stress. You're doing fine, and once you feel better, working the program will become easier again. Be kind to yourself, in the meantime! We're all here to cheer you on.
- Dayna