The sun is shinning and the weather is absolutely beautiful in the metroplex! We've had some much needed rain to fill our water supplies--important since we've been in draught conditions for a couple of years. We've even had the threat of tornados (sirens and all) to remind us how awesome and powerful is the universe. A rainbow appeared in the dark, cloudy sky of Dallas late Thursday afternoon--reminiscent of God's ever abiding love and protection--even in the face of life's storms. Today it's 79° and birds are singing God's praises as they perch at my feeders and bask in the filtered sunlight of the greenbelt!
I received an email from a dear, dear friend today … one of those forwards’ that I usually gloss over. But this one spoke to me today, so I want to record it here, in this space and time … It came with the subject line, “The Cookies” (a real attention getter, LOL) …
The Cookies
A young lady was waiting for her flight in the boarding room of a big airport.
As she would need to wait many hours, she decided to buy a book to spend
her time.
She sat down in an armchair of the VIP room of the airport to rest and read
in peace.
Beside the armchair where the packet of cookies lay a man sat down in the next
seat. He opened his magazine and started reading.
When she took out the first cookie, the man took one also! She felt irritated but
said nothing. She just thought, “What nerve! If I was in the mood I would
punch him for daring!”
But it continued … for each cookie she took that man took one too!
This was infuriating her but she didn’t want to cause a scene.
Before long, only one cookie remained and she thought, “ah … what will this
abusive man do now?”
Then the man, taking the last cookie, divided it into half giving her one half.
Ah! That was too much! She was so angry! In a huff, she took her book and
her things and stormed to the boarding place.
When she sat down in her seat inside the plane she went into her purse. To her
surprise her packet of cookies was there—untouched and unopened!
She felt so ashamed. She realized that she was wrong … She had forgotten that
she had placed the cookies in her purse when she purchased them.
She realized that the man had been very kind and shared with her; all the while
she had been bitter and angry. And now there was no chance to explain
herself … nor to apologize.
The moral of the story-- There are 4 things you cannot recover:
1) The stone … after it’s thrown
2) The word … after it’s said
3) The occasion … after the loss
4) The time … after it’s gone
I received a lovely Mother’s Day floral bouquet from my daughters yesterday – it was truly a surprise that brightened my day! My empty nest is still blessed with their love. And how blessed I am that their father came into my life

; and how blessed I am to be their Mom!! Two of them became my children when I married their wonderful Dad—and my youngest was a miracle birth of sorts! They have grown to be 3 marvelous women of whom I am very proud! God is good.
In a MediFast sense I continue to lose pounds, inches and sizes and live in peace and the awareness that
God is very good, indeed!
Happy Mother's Day to all mothers and to all those who nurture and uphold the lives and dignity of others!