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sfjoy dabbles in the condiments

Postby Joy » July 9th, 2007, 3:38 pm

Thank for visiting my journal and offering words of encouragement. I am doing much better today, but still would love to just spoon salsa into my yapper. It will pass and until then there is sugar free lemon aid!

Keep up your great job on MF!
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Postby MerryMary » July 9th, 2007, 3:56 pm

HappyHomeMaker wrote:Hi Mary,
I loved your 90/10 post!! It reminds me of the scripture:
Matthew 6:27
"Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature?"
I love that scripture, It always comes to my mind when I'm worrying.

I've found your post is definately needed and as usual there is someone working in the background making sure HIS wisdom is proclaimed! ;)

That reminds me of a story:
I was standing in line at a local Walmart, and lets just say the line was long and wasn't moving.
The woman in front of me started talking to me and was complaining about how long the line was...without even thinking...I turned and said, "Yea, but thank God you and I have the money for these full carts to fill our homes with food." I said it without even realizing and I felt silly after saying it...she just looked at very quite...I smiled, trying to mask my embarassment...she said, "Oh you are very right."...the conversation took a turn for the better after that.

Lesson learned: You can be used by God to change people, hearts and attitudes. Funny thing...It was my attitude that changed after that!!

I love your wisom and encouragment!!

Have you read the book "Mindless Eating"?

Matthew 6:27 ... how prophetic!! I often visit that verse and could visualize the lilies of the field in verse 28. I remember a time when I was told I could not be happy if I did not have something to worry about!! No more.

Your experience in the supermarket is a perfect example how God uses us to affect those around us and ourselves in the process. :lol: And while we remain dependent upon God for all that is good we are sometimes his instruments and therefore we need each other.

I've not read "Mindless Eating" but will look it up on Amazon. Thank you for sharing that terrific story and for your kind words. They mean a lot! :D
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Re: sfjoy dabbles in the condiments

Postby MerryMary » July 9th, 2007, 4:04 pm

sfjoy wrote:Thank for visiting my journal and offering words of encouragement. I am doing much better today, but still would love to just spoon salsa into my yapper. It will pass and until then there is sugar free lemon aid!

I'm happy you are doing better today. Some days can be tougher than others. :pet: Still, it is best to remain as focused as you can. Your body is probably responding to those 9+ pounds you took off last week!! :lol: Drinking water and distraction are other means of getting past those moments. There are times I get so busy I forget when I'm supposed to eat .... which reminds me, I have chicken cooking now!! I just love chicken over a large bed of greens! :bib:
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Postby HappyHomeMaker » July 10th, 2007, 7:14 am

MerryMary wrote:
I've not read "Mindless Eating" but will look it up on Amazon. Thank you for sharing that terrific story and for your kind words. They mean a lot! :D

It's a great book that gives you some good insight into the psychological end of eating etc.

for instance: the more choices you have at at meal, the more you'll eat...not because you're hungry, but because it's there.
I.E.= You eat a slice of pizza and water = satisfied
Add a salad = quite full
add wings = very full
add garlic knots = stuffed.

HOw many of us would eat all this? I would've , thats why I'm here.

This book really helped me to simplify my eating...which also helps when you eat all organic and all natural.
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Postby MerryMary » July 10th, 2007, 9:56 am

HappyHomeMaker wrote:
MerryMary wrote:
I've not read "Mindless Eating" but will look it up on Amazon. Thank you for sharing that terrific story and for your kind words. They mean a lot! :D

It's a great book that gives you some good insight into the psychological end of eating etc.

for instance: the more choices you have at at meal, the more you'll eat...not because you're hungry, but because it's there.
I.E.= You eat a slice of pizza and water = satisfied
Add a salad = quite full
add wings = very full
add garlic knots = stuffed.

HOw many of us would eat all this? I would've , thats why I'm here.

This book really helped me to simplify my eating...which also helps when you eat all organic and all natural.

It sounds like a very interesting book. I may go ahead and order it next! I've been guilty of group eating too--I can't tell you how many church pot-luck dinners or affairs that I "had to try" everything (so no one's feelings would be hurt!). And did you ever notice that people always make the most caloric, high-in-fat covered dishes to bring???? YIKES! What ever happened to "do unto others as you would have them do unto you?" :lol: I'm so glad my attitude is changing :D

I also am making the switch to organic foods--that is the only type of veggie/salad I buy now. My idea of healthy eating is beginning to change along with my body. :)

Thanks for the tip on the book!! I really appreciate it. :D
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Postby MerryMary » July 10th, 2007, 10:00 am

This came from today's Support In Motion Tip of the Day ... I wanted to remember it so I thought this would be a good place to record it!

Refueling on the Weight Loss Journey
The weight-loss journey requires planning and flexibility, and it may help you to look at your journey more closely when you feel your motivation flagging. Think about the steps you take when you prepare for a road trip: you plan your route, you pack your bags carefully, you fuel up your car. But on a long-distance trip, you don’t expect to make it all the way to your destination on one tank of gas. Sometimes you get lost, or unexpected obstacles (construction, an accident) force you to reroute your journey. However, you don’t decide to give up on your trip and go home just because you ran out of gas or took a wrong turn.

Similarly, on the weight-loss journey you may need to “refuel” your motivation from time to time by trying new foods and recipes, switching your workouts around and getting support. You may sometimes have to reroute your journey around unexpected obstacles (illness, a high-stress time at work, etc.). Remember, the weight-loss journey is not a one-shot, all-or-nothing affair; it is an ongoing journey with different stops along the way.
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Postby SuzyQ66 » July 10th, 2007, 10:18 am

MerryMary - I still love that name - thank you so much for posting that tip of the day. I do receive those via e-mail but I never get a chance to read them. That post so applies to me - but something that I have learned on MF is that it is not an all or nothing journey. I can't believe that it took me starting this MF to finally realize that. I get so much insight from your journal. Thanks for sharing...and Happy - thanks for the tip on the book "Mindless Eating" I too might have to look that up on Amazon and order it. Thanks again!!
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Postby DonnaS » July 19th, 2007, 12:28 pm

Hi Mary, Where are you? I loved the 90/10 rule you posted while I was on vacation and your most recent from the Support in Motion Tip of the day. I hope your doing well and will post soon.

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Postby ChynnaDoll » July 20th, 2007, 10:24 am

Hello there my dear friend..where are you and how are you? I do hope you are doing alright. How is your sweet mother? I'm praying that everything where she's concerned is going as smooth as possible. Sending you POSITIVE vibes from me to you:+)

Thanks for posting that wonderful is so true what it says.

Hope to see you soon...

Love you bunches
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Postby queenielou » August 8th, 2007, 10:07 am

Hi Mary,

I saw a post from you somewhere recently, so I know you're checking in but I just wanted to say hello. Hope the decisions you and your family are making are resulting in the best possible outcomes.

Take care.
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Postby MerryMary » August 11th, 2007, 12:56 pm

queenielou wrote:I saw a post from you somewhere recently, so I know you're checking in but I just wanted to say hello. Hope the decisions you and your family are making are resulting in the best possible outcomes.

Thanks for stopping by Queenie! ... and thank you for the encouraging words too! I love your new Avatar. You are doing so well--keep up the excellent work!!
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Postby ChynnaDoll » August 19th, 2007, 10:53 am

Hi there sweet lady:+)...just dropping by to wish you a very blessed day today!
Have you started picking out things to wear on your upcoming cruise? I think i OVER-PACKED and was scared i wouldn't meet the weight allowance for the plane..meaning suitcases of course..LOL!
You're gonna have FABBBBBULOUS time:+)))))

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Postby Diana » August 22nd, 2007, 12:31 am

I hadn't thought about keeping the Support in Motion stuff in my journal! Great idea, Mary! I love the My Plan section!

Thank you, too, for the inspiration I gather from your posts. I'm really glad you're part of the MMT family and I can't wait to meet you in Orlando (if not sooner)!!
Here's to our mutual success! :buddies: --Diana
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Postby katesmom » August 23rd, 2007, 2:09 am

Hi !
iam up early and wanted to say hello !
I'm a newbie here and hope you have a great day !
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Postby MerryMary » August 29th, 2007, 10:19 am

ChynnaDoll wrote:Hi there sweet lady:+)...just dropping by to wish you a very blessed day today!
Have you started picking out things to wear on your upcoming cruise? I think i OVER-PACKED and was scared i wouldn't meet the weight allowance for the plane..meaning suitcases of course..LOL!
You're gonna have FABBBBBULOUS time:+)))))

Hi Chynna! Sorry for the delay in responding but with so much going on in my life and I had to discipline myself against the "board addiction" that was eating into my time. :lol:

I'm glad you had such a marvelous time on your cruise! I can hardly wait until mine. This will be the 2nd year in a row that I've celebrated my BD on a cruise ship! :woohoo:
I'm not one to overpack ... I've done it far too many times. And since I don't have a DH to help I'm very careful to minimize the load. I have been thinking about what I will take--and I've been doing some shopping in anticipation of what I will need. Most of what I purchased "too small" already fits well and the cruise is still 38 days off!! Who knew? :D Some things I take will just have to be loose fitting! :lol: But with all the end of summer sales going on I picked up some great bargains and even purchased 2 bathing suits. One is a tankini for poolside and I also got a one-piece in case we go snorkeling. I'm looking forward to some rest and relaxation (a/k/a meditation) too! This will only be a 5-day cruise, but, :secret: I've already booked a 12-day cruise on the Queen Victoria for next year! :dance:
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