Today the sun was shinning! <img src="" alt="" border="0"><img border="0" src=""> That's quite usual for Texas in July, but since it has rained<img src="" alt="" border="0"><img border="0" src=""> everyday for the past 13 days the sunshine was a blessed surprise!
It's only the beginning of July and the area stores are putting all their summer merchandise on sale! Can you believe it? And school supplies, uniforms and fall clothing is beginning to fill the racks. I've been careful about not purchasing too many clothes since my size is beginning to change quickly. I had picked up some things on sale a couple of weeks ago but I know they won't fit come August! So ... what can a girl do? I went shopping!
It's interesting to shop when your mind has not caught up with your body's progress. In my obesity I never tried things on in the store but now I have to (lest I want to make constant returns!).

It's hard for me to believe that last summer my 24W's were snug and today
I purchased capris and skorts in a 10P (10 Petite!!!!
)! I also purchased a cute (fitted on top) skirt in a 12P and got a great knit top (M) to go with it. Oh, and some belts! I don't know how long it's been since I wore a belt!!

It is so nice to purchase cute things that are fashionable and NOT matronly looking. I've even added 3 casual
sleeveless knit tops to my wardrobe!
I'm a little concerned about what I'll take on my cruise in the Fall. I know nothing I have now will fit me then but I'm not good at buying in "advance." The smallest I've ever been was a size 8 but that was 30 years ago. I wonder how the sizing structure has changed since then.
Tomorrow I'm having a friend over for lunch--we'll be grilling steaks and veggies. This is the friend who was so impressed with my weight loss that she started MF too! It will be a very tasty L&G. I believe she's lost 30# on MF and an additional 10#on WW--probably in the same time span!

So far 3 people have joined the program because of my success and a 4th one is still considering it. It's really a blessing to have been instrumental in their commitment to a healthy life!
Enough for now ...