Thank you all for your prayers, thoughts and concern. Tawanda was right -- I was in Chicago. Sorry for the vague "I'm flying" comment in the Weight Room when I left. I was literally out the door on my way to the airport when I posted my 80# loss thus far!
My visit with my Mom and brother was nice and productive although we are not on the same page as far as Mom's long-term care is concerned. I think he is in denial ... or perhaps overly optimistic that her condition can be improved with medication. He is taking her to an internist who specializes in geriatric medicine on the 10th so we should have a clearer picture of the situation at that time.
While I was there we checked out a nursing home with a dementia unit. We got a lot of questions answered and I liked it a lot. It's a Catholic facility (complete with sisters who are nurses) so one of the patient "activities" is daily Mass. Having taken Communion to the elderly in nursing homes I know first hand how this spiritual dimension can have a positive impact on the patient bringing them comfort and peace. I am going to make comparisons with some facilities here in TX as well. It's not that I think $6000 per month (yikes!) is too much for 24/7 care. I think a part of me would like her closer ...
I took my Medifast Meals with me ... they were in my carry-on bag and my less important essentials (like toiletries, make up and clothing) were in my checked luggage. One has to keep their priorities straight!

LOL Besides, if the checked bag gets lost its contents can be replaced--but the grub? No, that stays with me!

I prepared all the meals for my family when I was there. It doesn't bother me to cook, in fact I enjoy it. Being on Medifast doesn't afford me the opportunity to do that much ... except for the L&G which is hardly cooking!
My brother and I did go to a movie one night and I had a small buttered popcorn.

It was delicious! Hadn't had any probably since February. I was so pleased with myself that I could actually be TOTALLY satisfied with the small size too. I used to get the large and the free refill--with extra butter-layered!

Just so there is no confusion,
popcorn (buttered or not) is not on the approved list of Medifast snacks--it is not a "lean" nor is it a "green"-- it was merely my choice to have some. I did account for the extra calories/carbs in my food diary but have no idea how it may have affected my weight since that was 3 days before I got home (and I don't travel with a scale).
Went for a massage today ... it was heavenly! I get one every two weeks but I had to reschedule Friday's appointment since I was away. I asked my therapist if he was using a different technique it felt soooooo good. He said he wasn't but said my muscles were "much more defined" since I lost weight. I guess that means with less fat I feel more! LOL! What a great NSV--better effectiveness of massage therapy!
I guess I got a bit lengthly tonight ... I don't usually have this much to say.
Once again ... Thank you for checking in on me and I do appreciate your continued prayerful support!