Tawanda wrote:Mary, what a difficult time this is for you, your brother and your mother. Alzheimer's is a horrible disease.
Yes, it is. But with the grace of God we and other families like ours will make it.
Tawanda wrote:Mary, what a difficult time this is for you, your brother and your mother. Alzheimer's is a horrible disease.
MerryMary wrote:Right now I'm gearing up for another trip to Chicago. Mom has Alzhiemer's and I think my brother and I need to begin making some very difficult decisions.I always thought Mom would move in with me (even purchased my house based on that consideration), but when she visited in March it thoroughly disoriented her. My brother who has taken most of the responsibility for her thus far (as he lives near her) is considering taking on a new job that will leave him less time to care for her. We need prayers right now ... prayers for guidance, wisdom and courage.
God is good ... He's always present in our need!
Patty wrote:Just checking in with and giving you a hugVery trying times I know- the situation sounds so similar to mine where my sister is helping my Mom and I am too far away right now though will get to see her with my daughter in 5-6 weeks. I am scared and nervous because I realize this will be the last time
You mentioned they were in the Chicago area - is that where you are from originally? Just curious cuz that is where I am from! Lived there for the first 39 yrs of my life (until 2000) and then moved to the northeast where I am now. My brother is in central IL still but my sister and her family moved to the southwest and then my Mom also left IL and went there almost 2 years ago.
Lizabette wrote:
From me to you, MARY!
ChynnaDoll wrote:Oh Mary sweet sweet friend...i just want you to know that my thoughts and prayers are WITH YOU through this tuff time...i am so sorry:+(..but we BOTH know where our "true" strength and perseverance cometh:+)..lean on him an he WILL see you through.
((((((BIGGGGGG HUGGGGGGS)))))) to you sweetheart.
PM me "anytime" if you need to talk or a listening ear!
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