Merry... Christmas?

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Merry... Christmas?

Postby junebug19 » December 26th, 2005, 5:58 pm

So yesterday. I uh. Cheated. Like. Big time. Well. not bBiiiigg time. I had a plate of macaroni. Like the size of a deck of cards. okay. maybe 2. lol.. aannyyyywwayys. i feel like i have to start over tomorrow. cause i already messed up into my second day by having leftovers!!!!
i know what i need to do so i can stay on track.. so why am i not staying on tracK? gracious. wish me the best luck!!! i've set my goals little by little. just the way that i think of it. 30 days. for 20 or more pounds. is it worth it?!! yes. of course it is!!

feedback sweethearts?!!

i would love it.
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Postby Jan » December 26th, 2005, 9:07 pm

Hmmmm Junebug
Yesterday I remember reading about your schedule being really off and now today about eating macaroni and cheese. The problem seems to be organization (plus the time of the year) Don't worry once things get back to "normal" a little I think you will do fine. Remember the first three days are the hardest -- your "first" 3 days are just lasting a little longer. But, you will make it -- just start again tomorrow and eat every 3 hours all day long. Make sure and get in the 5 meal replacements and a lean and green. That way you will be a little fuller and have an easier time sticking to the program. Once you make it thru the first full 3 days on program you won't feel as hungry and the temptations will be fewer. Keep going!! I'll keep watching for you
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Postby big ron » December 26th, 2005, 9:14 pm

I dont think that anyone can go through the holiday festivities without a little slip or taste of something we shouldnt have. If this is the hardest time to start and we struggle thru it and survive the rest is downhill :yes:
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Postby mama2benandrachel » December 26th, 2005, 9:25 pm

Hi Junebug! Since Thanksgiving, I have had a bad week, then a good week, followed by another bad week, you get the point. It has been a STRUGGLE!!!!!!!!!! The first 13 or 14 weeks ( I can't remember), I was SOOoooo faithful! I lost the first 50 lbs. FAST!!

I am determined not to let the holiday slips I have had undermine my goal: to between 130 and 150 lbs. (I haven't made up my mind yet, I will when I get closer to goal)!!!!! I HAVE to get and stay healthy for me AND my family!!!!!!

The best thing about a new day is that we have a clean slate! Don't think of it as starting over, my NO! Think of it as a work in progress!!!!!! Under construction!!!!!

Today, I got through one day of 100% compliance!!!!!!! It has been 10 days since I have been able to say that! Tomorrow will be another day, another challenge, and with God's help, another compliant day!!!!!!
Take care and God Bless,
Judy <><

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Postby Unca_Tim » December 26th, 2005, 11:27 pm

Merry Christmas All!!!

I couldn't agree more with Vicky.
For those of you that have been on the program and in the groove, this foody week can be tolerable (but still a major challenge). Trying to start right now and learn all the ins and outs of the program can be a recipe for disaster. Don't be too hard on yourself if you're struggling.

You MUST get through that first week to really experience how easy the program can become once you get comfortable with it.

Trust us, it does get easier.

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Postby junebug19 » December 27th, 2005, 10:23 am

yeah.. thats really good advice from all of you and i definitely appreciate all the feed back!!! well yes. this will be the time that i start over for good. i am such a strong willed person. it can either be for the worse or for the good. but definitely this time i am going to stick with the plan. me just being on it for 4 days. i felt that i had energy and felt somewhat lighter. and i just want to feel lighter for a longer period!!! so... definitely today is the beginning of my new life. i mean.. i've tasted everything that has to be tasted probably. once i get down to my goal weight and in maitience( sp?) i'll be able to TASTE it. instead of INHALE it like before! things will be so much better when i lose 10 pounds. then 20 then 30.. ya know? I will be so much happier than eating the foods that make me fat.
love you guys
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Postby Nancy » December 27th, 2005, 3:09 pm

JuneBug ~

The others have already given you great advice but I just wanted you toknow that I was checking on you, too. I have had a very foody week (er...month) myself.

My CHRISTmas stocking was filled with :twisted: candy and I ate it. See...I am human, too!

Starting and stopping is awful for automobile engines - it creates sludge and gunky build-up and starting and stopping your Take Shape For Life Program and going thru those first three days creates mental sludge. Set aside the mac and cheese goof-up and pick your day, start anew and then earnestly sail through it. Review your goals. Scour out the cupboards and the refrigerator - dump all snack foods and temptations - keep the pantry stocked with bottled water, Crystal Light and toilet paper!

Success is just a shake at a three hour interval away!
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