Merry CHRISTmas..........and a little "thank you"

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Postby big ron » December 24th, 2005, 1:08 pm

Vicky, I want to also wish you and everyone a happy and safe Christmas. The next couple days will be many of ours hardest with all the eating and celebrating that will be going around us.I know for myself I have committed to do my best to stay on tract but I have also committed to myself that even if I slip that I will not be derailled. My family has been put on notice to support me and they have been great (except for my wife who baked her wonderful chocolate chip cookies all day to ship to familly out of state :hammerhead: -TORTURE HAHA) MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE SEE YOU AT WEIGH IN :partytime: Ron
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Postby Hyperion » December 24th, 2005, 4:34 pm

Hi everyone!

I'll take this thread as the place to wish all of you a merry christmas!

For those of you at the end of their journey, take that opportunity as a delight of the new life you've chosen. Have some fun and enjoy being yourself!

For those of you on the middle of their journey, take that opportunity as a chance to receive positive compliments from your family as to how you've been doing great so far.

For those of you at the start of their journey, take that opportunity as a chance to show the "old you" for the last time at all of your family!

A lot of us will cheat on those days, for that Christmas has that "fulfillment need" effect on us. The important is not to not cheat, it's more to not go off the program.

Discipline is only the art of choosing between what you want now, and what you want the most.

On that note, have some nice parties and see ya soon! :D :D
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<b>Discipline is the art of choosing between what you want now, and what you want the most.</b>
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Postby big ron » December 24th, 2005, 6:01 pm

hype- That was very well said :yes: Great words of wisdom :you:
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