Ok, I'm glad to hear the general consensus-I'm one of many who are having fruity cycles! I have (sigh) been on a cycle for almost 3 weeks-time to see the doc for suggestions to stop the madness. And yes, the girls are tender too! Donna, I'm certain that it's the hormonal changes in your bod, but for safety's sake-run to the drug store and to your physician if company doesn't arrive soon!
Ok, I need to whine also....I have been 100% compliant and have lost .50 lbs this week-That's just wrong!

I know to expect plateaus, but how is this possible?! I'm a large woman (but getting smaller all the time) and can't imagine why with this little caloric intake I'm not losing.........

The book everyone mentions, "Success in a Shaker Jar" where can I purchase it? 24K wrote that everyone on Medifast should read it, and many in the Forum have agreed with her.
One more thing-I would love to read how Nancy did it-her routine, exercise habits-her ups and downs. Is this posted somewhere on the Forum?
I'm finished rambling-if you read this anyone, forgive me!