Vicky, I read your reply:
What's the problem? Are you physically hungry? Or is it more emotional? (You know, missing food; feeling sorry for yourself; scared to go past this point)? There HAS to be something that's stopping you in your tracks here.
Your right even though I don't know what happens. This is the 3RD week in a row I have started MF on a Monday and everytime have given in on Wednesday. No coincidence. I even ask myself why. I made it through 3 days to give in for 1 lousy dinner? Then I say ok, I'll start Monday so eat what I want this weekend cus this is it. Its a vicious cycle, I know.
I need to learn to say no better. Especiallly to my mom. She asks me every day to lunch and almost every night to dinner. She just goes on and on until I say ok. She says "as long as you don't overdue it your ok" But I'm NOT ok, if I was I wouldn't weigh 253lbs. I can't talk to her about MF cus all she does is shake her head and tell me that it wll come back within 6 months. I explain to her about the transition phase,etc...she says its just another fad.
My daughter helps me, she saw me eating crackers w/my chili and asked if I was supposed to eat them. I told her they were MF. Well, somehow she got in conversation with my ex-husband about it and told him I was doing a diet. When I saw him tonight, he goes "another diet? Why don't you just realize your always gonna be fat and get over it?"
He has always been thin and his new wife is a stick. (more like an ugly twig if you ask me).
This isn't right, I do want this more than anything in the world. I feel like I still have a long life left. I will be 29 on April 8th. It's not right that I'm sitting here sobbing because I want to do this and no one in my family will support me. For 11 yrs, since I had my 1st child, all I've heard is "your so pretty, you should lose weight" What is that? Who says stuff like that?
I'm probably not the only one who has heard that, but I think its crap. I'm tired of being the fat funny girl whos pretty with my friends. I know they
love me but I don't want that role. I don't lack confidence. I go out with my friends, dance, drink but every guy I meet likes me as a friend. For once, I'd like to be know for my looks, not just the one w/the personality. I know thats important also but Geez, give me a break.
So, to answer your question Vicki, I don't know why I get to Wednesday and then quit. I feel worse. I ate out breakfast and dinner today and have felt horrible. Not even mentally, but physically. I feel full, tired, bloated just icky. I do know that I am an emotional eater. (like 80-90% of us) I am struggling right now personally, but thats all the more reason I wanted to take this next step and lose weight. I left my family business in August to go on my own. Now I'm ready to leave behind this body and move on.
There was another post about being scared. I feel in some ways, maybe I am. I'm so used to being this way its kind of my comfort. I've pretty much shopped in 1 store for 11 years. Most of you must have felt this way at some time or another.
For 2 weeks I have posted that I'm re starting and committing to MF. And for 2 weeks my stats haven't moved. I'm on here pretty much every day reading everyones progress and get so excited and inspired. I think if you all can do it, then I can too.
So, this is it. I'm not wating till Monday so I can eat good over the weekend. I'm starting in the morning.
Believe it or not, it has been 1 hour since I started writing. I have been writing, crying, writing.
I don't neccessarily need responses from everyone encouraging me. I don't mean that in a negative way at all. I mean, I've been on this site long enough to know how great everyone here is. I know I'm not the only one who has ever felt this way and I don't want you guys thinking I need pity. I just gave myself enough self-pity for a year! We all have a history and a sob story. I just appreciate being able to let this all out. Selfishly, it is more for me than anyone. Otherwise, I would be on my couch eating whatever I found.
I feel a sense of relief now. The negative people can no longer get to me.
I will do this just as you all have.
I want to thank everyone for their kind words over the past 2 weeks. Not just to me, but all the posts I read are great!
dede4wd-For some reason you stick out in my mind throughout the day-Thank you for always posting great thoughts.
Well, YOU ALL DO!!! and I will too,SOON.
thanks Vicky,you probably opened a bigger can of worms than you had hoped for.
My new motto, some of you may know this if you like poetry:
"I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself.
A bird will fall frozen dead from a bough without ever having felt sorry for itself." -D.H.Lawrence