I was sitting back and kind of thinking about the changes in my physical and mental well being since starting on Medifast two months ago.
What triggered it was I had lugged a big basket of clothes up from the laundry room to my upstairs bedroom and was pretty wiped by the time I got to the top of the stairs. So, i weighed the basket. It was 22 pounds. To date I've lost 44 pounds... twice as much as what that laundry basket weighed! No wonder I had felt so tired and achy and blah a couple of months ago.
I look back at how I felt at the end of March, before Medifast, and remember thinking I would never feel "good" again. I honestly didn't think it was possible. My stomach hurt everytime i ate a meal. And then the acid reflux felt like it was burning a hole in my chest. My knees were killing me. I couldn't walk more than a couple of blocks before my hips started to ache. I had absolutely no energy to do anything other than sleep and eat. Oh yeah, and my blood sugar was flying high up into the 200's!!
Worse than thinking I wouldn't last another year or two, was the realization that I wasn't so sure I wanted to last much longer feeling as washed out and miserable as I felt.
And then I discovered Medifast and this board and all you wonderfully supportive people and it's like being reborn. True there have been a few little hitches along the way...my battle with jerky and garlic fries, plateaus, teppan meals, and O.D. ing on jalapeno dill pickles...but you guys have seen me through all of them, and for that I am so very, very grateful.
So thank you all for saving me. I thank God He pointed me in your direction. You all are truly Angels here on Earth.
Thanks Again,