by Nancy » April 13th, 2005, 12:58 am
Whoopsy...sorry I missed this post...still trying to get caught up after being in Canada...folks, if there are dangling questions, please send me a PM...
I just wrote and posted an article for the April Specials and outlined some points regarding weight loss for kids.
We do have some kids that use the Fit! Products for breakfast and snacks in conjunction with healthy meals.
Most families are so strapped for time in the morning that a lot of children head for school with no breakfast in their tummies and then eat at school…or they grab something high fat/sugary/high calorie along the way.
We suggest having a Fit! RTD and a Fit! Bar for breakfast or make a serving of the Fit! Oatmeal and then have an RTD at school.
Use Fit! Shakes and pudding for after school or evening snacks. Replace higher calorie food with Medifast products.
The regular MF product line is excellent for kids, too. There is everything good in the products and you can give them to your children with confidence.
It is important to meet with your physician and get a recommendation for the caloric level for your teen. Work around two healthy meals for lunch and supper and use the MF products to fill in the day’s meal plans.
Kids really do need to refuel often throughout the day so eating every 2.5 to 3 hours is best or them, too.
Keep plenty of water on hand for them. Many kids today grew up on OJ and Apple juice – they rarely drink water. Juice is pure sugar = carbs = spikes in blood glucose/ stored fat. Shortly after a big jolt like that come feelings of wonkiness and the kids get drowsy and feel lousy when their blood sugar drops again. It is far better to eat the whole fruit than to drink the juice.
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
The Formerly FLABulous and Now very Fabulous
Nancy Pettit