it worth it?

Post your weight loss successes or failures here...:) it worth it?

Postby newsluv » December 5th, 2004, 10:31 pm

Hi Medifast users!
I'm a 28 year old woman, 5'5'' and about 180 pounds. I'd like to lose about 50 pounds and for once in my life I'd like to be slim. The smallest I've ever been is 160. Back then I was working out everyday and on a strict diet.

I find the Medifast diet appealing but I'm afraid about weight gain after I've reached my goal. I can't NOT eat forever, and I'm ultimatly about being healthy.

I've read some of the postings for about a week now, and those who are afraid because they gained 5 pounds after eating a piece of fruit...really scares me.

Your thoughts please!
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Postby Unca_Tim » December 5th, 2004, 10:44 pm

Hi newsluv and welcome to the forum,
I'll kick this off with a short comment.

If you return to the same habits that got you where you are now (not directing this personally at you), you'll return right back to the exact condition. Maybe worse over time...

Medifast is just a tool to get you to a healthy weight safely. During the weight loss journey, you must change your life (and sometimes lifestyle), if you plan to successfully stay healthy.

Don't let your fear stop you from doing something about it.

"Failure is a choice"
~From a dream~
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Postby Sylvia » December 6th, 2004, 5:59 am


I've been at my goal for almost a month now and did MF for over 6 months. After transition, I have been eating what I consider to be a reasonable diet and have maintained my weight. I actually just had a resting metabolism rate analysis done which says I can eat about 1600 calories a day and maintain my weight WITHOUT EXERCISE! With exercise, I can add 400 calories a day! I expect that my metabolism will rise more with more time and exercise.

So I think this works, is healthy and can be used for the long term.

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