Medifast under dr supervision.

Questions/Comments about Weight loss Products.

Medifast under dr supervision.

Postby fromtheheartofvirginia » June 27th, 2004, 5:32 pm

I have an appointment with a physician who came HIGHLY recommended for this, and I was wondering under full fast, how much I would be paying weekly for the shakes? I will be purchasing through the physician I will be using but would love an estimate :-) I would like to map out my budget. Thanks.

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Postby MomJackieLee » June 27th, 2004, 5:49 pm

Your cost for the program (if getting shakes thru the physician) will depend on what he/she charges for supplements. On full fast, I think you use 6 and sometimes 7 supplements in the beginning per day. Thru Take Shape, the shakes are around $14 per box with seven envelopes in each box or roughly the equivalent of 2-2.50 per meal depending on what you use (shakes, bars, oatmeal, etc.) So the daily cost will be $12-14 per day for supplements or a rough $350 per mo.

If you go back to the home page and sign in, you can get to the shopping and find out how much each individual item is. Also, there are specials each month (June - some products at $10 per box - a good time to place an order!!)

I did MF a while back under a Dr.'s care and he was charging $18.50 per box of supplements (shakes/bars)and $3.50 apiece for the ready to drink products. :shock: That plus his weekly fees made going thru him cost prohibitive & I quit. Found this site and started again and boy am I glad I did. If your physician is charging too much, let him know that you can get the supplements at a better price and maybe he will match!!!

Best of luck to you and remember the forum is here for support and encouragement if you need it!
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dr. supervision

Postby darmac44 » July 1st, 2004, 12:55 am

Hi! Be very careful with prices! I talked to one Medifast user (if you can call us that!) and her doc was charging 25.00 per box! That's almost double what you can get it for from your health advisor here! My doctor will gladly see me once a month, weigh me and advise me, and I buy from my advisor. Just a hint, it can be pricey, but double is crazy! Darci
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