my medifast ?

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my medifast ?

Postby bzlife1967 » March 8th, 2006, 11:32 am

I recieved an email from mymedifast . com, Giving me an invitation to join the Beta version. Does anyone know what this is about?? Is that something new?

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Postby Serendipity » March 8th, 2006, 11:44 am

It's a website maintained by Medifast and it's kind of neat. You can keep track of your meals, your weight, and exercise there and there's a discussion group, too. I was using the meal thing for awhile, but it's a bit cumbersome. They say that improvements are coming soon, so I'll keep checking back.

As for the discussion group, I prefer this forum. They moderate all the posts before posting, so you have to wait sometimes hours to see your post and then hours more to see answers. This forum is much more comprehensive to follow and the members are just an awesome group!
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Postby stelar » March 8th, 2006, 8:05 pm

Serendipity said it all. I like this forum better but, I love tracking my food there.
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Postby just_julie » March 9th, 2006, 8:40 am

How do you get invited? I looked at the site, but I needed an invitation code... :(

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Postby aphrael » March 9th, 2006, 9:45 am


Good luck getting an invite... I tried and got a very corgial no you are not welcome here letter. They say they are beta testing and that only a random selection of people are invited to join. I was told thanks for your intrest look back later this summer when it will be open to everyone.

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Postby just_julie » March 9th, 2006, 9:56 am

Oh well... I guess I'll continue with my pen and paper. Hope someone lets us know when they open to the public.

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Postby Serendipity » March 9th, 2006, 11:39 am

You may try emailing medifast support. That's what I did and they sent me an access code right away.
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Postby Unca_Tim » March 9th, 2006, 3:13 pm

If you have MS Office and Excel you can take a look at this:
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Postby Marseilles » March 9th, 2006, 3:16 pm

I have such journal envy! How about an option for those of us without office or excel, Tim? Cause I know you just have TOOOONS of free time and all....

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Postby Unca_Tim » March 9th, 2006, 3:28 pm

It'd have to be a stand alone application.

I'll whip one up in a couple hours..... :roflmao:

Maybe sometime this summer, i'll play around with one...
Hopefully Medifast will get theirs out of beta and make it available soon.

I guess we could start a wish list here, of what kind of features everyone would want....
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Postby bzlife1967 » March 9th, 2006, 3:37 pm

Ive looked into the sight some and it is nice and has some great features like chat, cept everytime I go in there no one is there chatting, maybe if they would be less stingy with their invites we could get the party started in that there chat room.. guess I could chat with meself. I have no clue how or why I got invited. I prefer this board to the one there. Hopefully when it is open to the public it will be better.... looks like they are off to a good start. I prefer the graph I made myself in excel to the one they have available. They do have a food tracker diary but it is a little cumbersome, the good thing about it is that whatever you eat MF or L&G there is a nutrition label you can look at, looks to have most of the info on salad dressings etc. including walden farms. Not something I would use on a daily basis too time consuming. All in all folks .... IMO (In my opion) this forum is better, the live chat function will be nice once all of you are on it!! Summer is round the corner so hopefully we can all take a gander at all the fancy gadgets then and then we will come home to the forum we love here!! Your not missing much.

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Postby Jen » July 2nd, 2006, 3:11 pm

Does anyone have current info on mymedifast dot com? I want to check it out, but several requests for an authorization code have been ignored by their customer service. Any suggestions?
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Postby Karli » July 2nd, 2006, 3:14 pm

Yeah, Jen, I am in a similar boat as you (well, I just don't understand how it works nor how to obtain the proper code) :(.
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Postby Prancer » July 2nd, 2006, 7:59 pm

I just recently joined. One of the members here, Joan, I cant remember her screen name :oops: contacted them and got me a number some how.

I absolutely love the site. I tried to check out the one here but cant get it to open. I'll try again later.
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Postby Unca_Tim » July 2nd, 2006, 9:41 pm

From a little fly on the wall at the TSFL convention.

You won't need mymedifast, when you see the new TSFL site.
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