Medifast Shakes to Sell/Trade

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Medifast Shakes to Sell/Trade

Postby jene115 » April 15th, 2006, 10:06 am

My doctor is totally against me doing Medifast because of the low calories and with my last blood panel she was pretty adamant. :x

I have 8 boxes of Banana Blitz 55
I have 2 boxes of Dutch Chocolate 55
I have 2 boxes of Orange Delight 55

I also have 1 box of S'More Granola Bars and one box of the Fruit and Nut Granola Bars, with one gone
I have 1 box of Oatmeal Raisin.

All this costs about $251.20. I will take the best offer because I hate to see this go bad and have to throw it away. If you want to offer part cash, part clothing, that's cool too. I will ship for free.
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Postby supermom » April 15th, 2006, 3:56 pm

Hi. Are you wanting to sell it all together, or will you split it up?
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Postby Pashta » April 15th, 2006, 4:17 pm

It's a sad day to see someone give up, but I guess it happens. Good luck Jene.
- Tonia

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Postby jene115 » April 17th, 2006, 4:35 am

Tonia, I am not giving up, my doctor doesn't want me to do the program. I am doing the DASH program for my blood pressure. I never said it was my choice.
Last edited by jene115 on April 17th, 2006, 4:44 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby jene115 » April 17th, 2006, 4:37 am

Laura. I can split it up, but I would really like to get rid of as much as I can so it doesn't go to waste.
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Ill buy it!

Postby gillian » April 18th, 2006, 11:17 pm

Will you please PM me? Ill take it all. What are you asking for it?
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Postby jene115 » April 19th, 2006, 4:41 am

Gillian, all the shakes and bars have been spoken for. I have none left

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