Medifast not for everyone!

Questions/Comments about Weight loss Products.

Postby Guest » March 16th, 2006, 2:39 pm

I'm not a member here, but lurk on a regular I may be out of bounds here, BUT..... I was a little concerned at Pashta's off the cuff response to Hollyhouse over the Mitral Valve Prolapse. Just because her dr. feels its a healthy choice for her to be on this diet, we have no way of knowing to what extent Holly is affected (she did say she had severe regurgitation, which in some people, that can cause serious complications including heart failure. )and therefor it is up to her and her dr. to make that decision. As someone who has multiple health problems, (diabetes, hypertension, sle) I'm having great success with medifast (40 pounds lost in 10 weeks) and plan to continue for as long as my Dr.s' say its o.k. But I also understand that there are others with the same ailments as I, who aren't able to do Medifast safely. Just my two cents.
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Postby dede4wd » March 16th, 2006, 2:58 pm

Good luck Holly!!!!!!

I just want to say that if I could do 60 minutes on the stairmaster...sorry got off track drooling! That's a huge accomplishment right there! It does sound like a balanced diet and exercise will get you where you're going, so I am so happy for you!

Anyway, not my business, but if someone's telling you you're gross because of the few pounds you have to lose, I'd say that person needs a gigantic butt kicking by someone more adept at butt kicking than me! I hope this person becomes more supportive of your Herculean efforts or finds their way to the curb!

Also, if you need to get rid of your extra product, PM me and I'll happy to buy what I eat from you if it would help! I hoard everything because of my travel schedule!

Good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Postby Pashta » March 16th, 2006, 4:40 pm

Anonymous wrote:I'm not a member here, but lurk on a regular I may be out of bounds here, BUT..... I was a little concerned at Pashta's off the cuff response to Hollyhouse over the Mitral Valve Prolapse. Just because her dr. feels its a healthy choice for her to be on this diet, we have no way of knowing to what extent Holly is affected (she did say she had severe regurgitation, which in some people, that can cause serious complications including heart failure. )and therefor it is up to her and her dr. to make that decision. As someone who has multiple health problems, (diabetes, hypertension, sle) I'm having great success with medifast (40 pounds lost in 10 weeks) and plan to continue for as long as my Dr.s' say its o.k. But I also understand that there are others with the same ailments as I, who aren't able to do Medifast safely. Just my two cents.

I see nothing wrong with what I posted, I wasn't being mean or anything. I have been somewhat overweight almost all of my life and I know excuses when I hear them. Sorry if the truth hurts. I mean no offense to anyone, I just call it as I see it.
- Tonia

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Re: Wow! ganged up

Postby falisamarie » March 16th, 2006, 5:50 pm

hollyhouse wrote: It is a known fact that if you have any kind of emotional disorder you shouldn't be doing this program.

I do not mind sharing with all of you that I have what would be considered as a SEVERE emotional disorder and yes I am on medication for this and yet not only my medical Dr but also my Dr who handles my emotional disorder totally supports my participation in this program and believe me I gave him all the materials about the program so he could have all the info before giving his ok. I ALSO have mitro valve prolapse but again I asked my Dr and he said that this program was perfectly safe to use and as for regurgitation I had it horribly from overeating and eating the wrong foods and I will tell you I have not had one incident with it since beginning Medifast.

I am not sure where Holly got the above information and yes you are recommended not to do Medifast if you are on Lithium (a prescription for controlling some emotional disorders) but this is because Lithium is a salt based medicine and such can basically get washed out of your system with as much as you, no way to put this nicely, pee on this program.

There are however many other prescriptions out there for emotional disorders that you can do Medifast while on them. I am not saying any of this to be mean but for anyone out there who may have a similar disorder to mine and worried about what was said.

As a side note I will say that my medication levels do have to be closely monitiored while I am losing weight and have had to be adjusted to a lower dosage...but hey, that is a good thing!

Lisa :heart:
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Medifast -- who can who can't

Postby Jan » March 16th, 2006, 7:04 pm

We have been off and running on this topic. I'm going to go straight to the protocol to answer this.
Who is Medifast not for??
Medifast weight loss program is not recommended for people with the following:
History of stroke, unstable angina,
Steroid need greater than 20mg prednisone/day
Juvenile onset or brittle diabetes
Recent psychiatric history or suicidal attempts
active thrombophlebitis
heart attack within the previous three months
recent bleeding peptic ulcer
uncompensated kidney or liver disease
pregnancy or breast feeding'
Chronic use of lithium(unless under close medical supervision with monitoring of lithium levels)
Active Cancer

But remember, being overweight can seriously affect health and longevity.
Obesity has been established as a major contributor to five of the ten leading causes of death in the US.
Coronary, heart disease, Diabetes, cetain cancers (ie breast and colon) stroke and arthritis.

So here's the bottom line. Your health is up to you. You and your doctor should decide if this is the program for you. If you have medical problems which make you unsure -- check with your doctor. He/she knows you and your body and can help you make a determination. If you experience problems -- other than minor setbacks --feeling cold etc -- head to the Dr. We are not Doctors nor do we pretend to be.

In all fairness follow the program exactly as it is written. This is most important. Think of it as a prescription medication. You wouldn't fool around and add or take away from a prescribed medication . Don't do it with this. If this is the program for you, and you work the program -- follow it exactly -- it will work for you. If you play with it you most likey will experience difficulty. It's certainly your choice. All I ask is don't say it doesn't work, is unhealthy etc when you haven't followed the program exactly including limiting exercise. The rules are for you and your benefit. We want you to be as healthy as possible. When you play with the program, we have no idea what will happen.

For those of you who don't choose to follow the program -- there are others out there that you can try.
For those of you who choose to follow -- happy shaking and parting with the pounds. We know you will be losing in the fastest, safest way possible. It's a medical program and needs to be viewed as such.

I hope we have covered this enough now.
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Postby Guest » March 16th, 2006, 8:07 pm

Well said Jan. Falisamarie, Sorry if I wasn't clear, but by regurgitation I meant of the blood back into the heart with mitral valve prolapse, not digestive.
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thanks dede

Postby hollyhouse » March 17th, 2006, 9:34 am

Thanks dede,

I love some of the products. Even though im not going to totally follow the medifast program Im not going to stop using the products.

I am just going to incorporate it into what im doing now. which is the bodyforlife. where i eat six meals a day combo of good carbs and protein and exercise.

As far as the Mitral valve goes each person is different. My Dr. knows my History and the COMBO of the hashimotos(meds need to be adjusted still)
AND the Mitral valve make it very difficult to severely restrict calories and exercise. since part of what makes the sympotms of mitral valve(anxiety)better is Physical activity. so when you limit calories and activity it makes the anxiety worse. I feel mentally and physically better from exercise. so thats just me.
I belive in medifast and i am not knocking it at all. but for me i have to do what i feel is best.
I like reading the boards here and i like to see how everyone is doing on here. so i will still be here checking in on everyone. and saying hello to the people who have been supportive.

Hope everyone has a great weekend
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This is my first goal
2nd goal is 130
then 120
then final 118
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Postby Guest » March 20th, 2006, 4:55 pm


I am glad you went to the doctor.

There are certain Health issues that people should not be using the Medifast products such as recent heart attack within the past three months, recent or recurrent strokes or mini-stokes, severe liver or kidney disease, clotting disorders, active cancers, eating disorders, severe psychiatric disturbances, chronic use of Corticosteroids 20mg per day, current use of lithium, and type 1 Diabetes. Your Doctor knows what is best for you.

I am glad that you enjoy exercising and that you know from using the Medifast that you should eat small portions every 3 hrs and keep your food to lean and green. You should be able to keep your weight off if you follow that plan along with exercising.

I wish you the best.

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Postby gillian » March 20th, 2006, 8:13 pm

Call me a day late and a dollar short to weigh in on this-

Prior to starting this program, I was looking into gastric bypass. I honestly thought that was the only way I was going to lose the weight. I would laugh when I tried to talk my Dr. into recommending it to my insurance company, and tell him it was like filing bankrupcy on my body- that I just needed to start over.
Well, I started on Feb. 20, and have lost 22 pounds. Sure, it takes some willpower- just like anything you do- you have to want to wear a bikini in July, opposed to eating a pizza today. It is really simple- you just have to want it. Good luck.

If you do decide to quit, I would be happy to buy your leftover shakes...

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Postby Marseilles » March 21st, 2006, 6:09 am

Congratulations Gillian! So glad to hear you are losing your weight this way and saving your body the shock of such an invasive and often risky procedure. Best of luck with medifast, looking forward to hearing all about your successes!

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