It is possible that they used the regular price of a months worth of meals because the week free only applies to first time orders. That might be why they listed it higher than what some people have paid. I've always said the cost of my health? = PRICELESS!!!!!!!!!!
I read the article too! But I remember seeing the ad with Mary Jane where she's wearing those huge pants & states that she's kept the weight off for 4 years. I started researching too, tried way too many diets to just trust. But, I kept coming back to good information. So I had to check it out. I am so glad I did This program is everything they say. I feel awesome!
I think it was the first week of January (just in time for all those weight loss resolutions . . . a very smart way to sell magazines! ). I imagine your local library would have it. It was actually an article about several people who'd lost large amounts of weight, and how they'd done it. One of the women lost with Medifast. It was a very inspiring article. Got me off my butt and on the Medifast road to health!
- Dayna
Someone once wrote:I'm allergic to cake. I break out in fat when I eat it.