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Medifast arrived!

Postby kmr » April 18th, 2006, 9:12 am

I can't believe how fast my Medifast products arrived! Anyway, I'm happy to receive them and for the great service, but at the same time I'm afraid to open them because I'm afraid of failing. I'll start tomorrow morning. I will really need everyones support on this forum to be able to accomplish my goal. I cannot do this alone and my husband is not the most supportive person when it comes to me losing weight. He just tells me, " You really have to lose weight " and that's it. I have to admit, I did gain 80 lbs. since we got married 11 years ago. Thanks everyone for listening. I'm now off to face my fears!
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Postby Denise » April 18th, 2006, 9:37 am

You are going to do great! Don't be afraid to begin! I started last Friday..and It has been easier than I thought it would be! Just remember how great you are going to look and feel once the weight begins to fall off of you! There is tons of support on this forum. Even though I have not posted that much I check in several times aday to read posts..they are inspiring! Good luck! :D
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Postby falisamarie » April 18th, 2006, 9:47 am

No need to fear at all. Inside that box is the key to you leading a happier, thinner, healthier life! You will not fail. We are all here for you whenever you need us! When I first started my hubby was not that supportive either but now he is my number one supporter. Just read the Quick start book and then read it again. As long as you follow the plan as outlined in that book you can't help but succeed!

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Postby Drama Queen » April 18th, 2006, 10:55 am

Have no fear. In that box is a healthier you!! Take the plunge and join us on this amazing journey to thinsville! Memorize your Quick Start Guide, shake those packets and drink your water. You can't help but lose. We are all here to cheer you on!!

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Postby Jan » April 18th, 2006, 2:02 pm

Hi There,
So the box is there :D Go ahead, peruse through it. Plan Plan Plan and read read read -- The Quck Start is your most important resource right now. If it's not listed in there -- it doesn't go in the mouth :mrgreen: :mrgreen: Don't worry you will do it. Lots of us thought we'd never part with the pesky pounds -- but they're going and some of us have parted with almost allllll if not allll of them. You will too!!! I know it!!!! :mrgreen: Don't even give yourself the option to fail. Take it 2/12 - 3 hours at a time. You can survive for three hours or so and then have another Medimeal. After the first week or so it gets to be a regular routine. You'll do fine. Keep posting - we'll all be watching for you :shock:
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Postby Arklahoma » April 18th, 2006, 9:55 pm

KMR ... Can't wait to see how you do. Keep us posted!
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Postby gettinthinny » April 19th, 2006, 5:42 am

You'll do just fine. It gets easier as you go. This is the first thing I've been able to stick with in years. I can't figure out why it's so easy... I guess because it's a no-brainer and it works so fast!!

I'm totally in love with Medifast!!


How did you do? Did you get started yet?



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Postby Taszi17 » April 19th, 2006, 7:23 am

kmr you are going to do great!!!! We have almost the same stats and goal so if you need any help I am here for you. This is the only diet I have ever been on that has kept me motivated enough not to fall off the wagon. You may not feel so hot the first week but I promise if you keep trucking you will feel better and be amazed by the results :)
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Postby loriannk » April 19th, 2006, 8:17 am

Hi & Welcome!

You will do great. Just remember YOU CAN DO IT! The first few days are a bit rough but once you get past that you will feel great.


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Postby kmr » April 19th, 2006, 10:16 am

Thank you all for your words of encouragement. It means alot. "gettinthinny" I did start the program this morning. So far so good, but it's only been half of a day. The evening is my worst time. I really want this BAD, so I am preparing myself for the lightheadedness, the cravings, PMS, etc. I don't want to fool myself into thinking it will be easy. I think keeping away from the food and doing the shakes instead will help me because I'm the type of person that if I have a little "real" food, I will just keep eating. Just like any other type of addict, I have to stay away from what triggers my addiction for now ( and I am a food addict ). I use it for comfort. I most likely won't post in "Roll Call" this Sunday since I just started this Wednesday, but I will start posting the Sunday after that. Thanks again everyone.
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Postby Lizabette » April 19th, 2006, 11:03 am


WELCOME, so glad you are here. After the first few days of your body getting adjusted to a NEW thing, you should find that your enery returns and your hunger diminishes. :lol:

And, hey, you may be so excited about your weight loss on Sunday that you will want to post on Roll Call and tell us the gooooood news! :puter:

Check out the Lean Cuisine section of the forum for all the yummy ways to fix your meals. :bib:

Don't worry, we are all food addicts or we wouldn't be where we are today. You will do wonderful! :you:



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Postby mamabear » April 19th, 2006, 9:50 pm

You can do it! You will not fail! I know what you mean about avoiding food though-for me I can't just have a little. And if I fall off my diet for one meal-that leads to a whole day then a week etc and it is very hard to get back on.

I have never felt as confident about any other diet as I do about MF. Since you want it so bad you can stick with it. :mrgreen:
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Postby dede4wd » April 20th, 2006, 8:36 pm

You can do it. We will do it with you. We will be here to support you, cheer for you, nag you, whatever you need!

I was thinking about you and seeing how you were doing...

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Postby xwoman » April 21st, 2006, 12:55 pm

I just posted my first meggage, it was titled almost too afraid to start. I know how you feel, I am ordering today. You know, I believe the others and their loss, YOU CAN DO THIS. Tell yourself everyday just 30 days, I will do this for just 30 days...the trick is the 30days will start in your mind all over each day, it's so easy to think short term, some people have to say just for today or just til the next meal, whatever works for you. I am counting on you too, I will look for that update in a week when my box arrives and when I am afraid to start I will see you started, I can too.


In a movie once Robin Williams said there are two kinds of people in the world, smokers and non smokers, decided which one you are and be it.

I smoked at the time, I AM A NON SMOKER now. I like to think that thinking will help me be thin
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Postby dede4wd » April 21st, 2006, 7:40 pm

Hi Xwoman, sorry to hijack this thread, I just wanted to say welcome and that we're behind you. You're gonna do great!


p.s. I loved your smoker or non smoker quote. Just decide what you are and be that...great idea, huh?
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