by Nancy » March 13th, 2006, 12:11 pm
Hi, Holly ~
I can understand your frustration with your weight loss journey. I have been all over the map in terms of diets, temporary successes and many diet failures. The more we diet, the more our metabolism is messed with. Yo-Yo Dieting is hard on a person physcially as well as mentally.
There really is no magic pill or secret ingredient to help us lose weight other than to bring our calories within a reasonable limit that provides both adequate nutrition and energy for healthy bodily functioning and include regular moderate exercise. With Medifast products and the Take Shape For Life Program, we can assure that we will get the necessary nutrition our body needs when we eat all five of the meal replacement packets AND the correct protrein proportions of meat/fish/poultry and eat our green vegetables.
Just like an airplane must take in adequate fuel supplies in order to stay in the air, we must take in all five of the Medifast packets at the correct two to three hour intervals, or we start to feel puny, lose energy, struggle with hunger and we don't fly right.
It is not always easy for some of us to be super organized and mindful of the clock but it is necessary for our health and our weight management.
I am currently on a business trip and some of our appointments have been very long and we have not gotten all of our meals in on time and I sure feel it. Yesterday I was speaking and helping people for about 6 hours. I needed to eat, I felt weak and weary. When we go too long between meals, we can easily overeat or choose unwise foods. When we finally got to a restaurant there were so many great-sounding meals. I chose wisely as my health is more important than satisfying my tastebuds. I had a garden salad with no dressing and baked salmon.
A chocolate chip cookie with ice cream, caramel and hot fudge sauce visited our table but it did not enter my mouth because I know that it did not taste as good as my thin feels.
Exercise is good for people on the TSFL Program once they are into the 4th week. The maximum amount we suggest is 40-45 minutes. You may need an extra shake during days you exercise.
Take it easy, eat on time and don't skip any meals. Get in touch with your Health Advisor right away for personal coaching and assistance.
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
The Formerly FLABulous and Now very Fabulous
Nancy Pettit