medifast after baby

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medifast after baby

Postby lalamode26 » March 11th, 2006, 6:50 pm

would i be able to continue medifast after I have my baby, while I breastfeed?
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Postby aphrael » March 11th, 2006, 7:10 pm

Nancy or Jan can answer this better when they get back, but I beleive Medifast says that if you are providing the baby's primary nurishment you can safely use Medifast as a nutritiouse snack, not for weightloss. Once your baby has moved to formula or is using other foods as the primiary nurishment than you can return to the weightloss phase. If you try using Medifast for weighloss while breastfeeding it will harm your milk supply and depleat you of the nutrition you need.

Hope that helps,

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Postby LovenElvis » March 11th, 2006, 7:34 pm

I'm new to the Heath Advisors but from what I understand, it is not recommended on being Medifast while breast feeding. Your hydration levels and your nutrient intake are too low to provide adequately for the needs.

I hope that helps.
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Hi! :)

Postby Ginabobina1969 » March 11th, 2006, 8:40 pm

I didn't know the answer either so I went

Here is what I found on the medifast site:
Potential circumstances or conditions may preclude a patient from starting on the Medifast Program. Contraindications may be either absolute or relative. It is recommended that patients with absolute contraindications not participate in any Medifast Program. Patients with relative contraindications should be considered candidates only for the Medifast Plus Program. All candidates should consult a doctor before starting any program.

Absolute Contraindications:
(not appropriate for any Medifast Program)

Myocardial Infarction (MI) within previous 3 months (unless cleared by a cardiologist)
Recent or recurrent CVAs and/or TIAs
Unstable angina
Severe liver disease (need low protein diet)
Severe kidney disease (need low protein diet)
Active peptic ulcer disease
Active cancers
Active thrombophlebitis (DVT/PE within 3 months)
Pregnancy or lactation
Bulimia Nervosa
Severe psychiatric disturbance (history of major depression and suicide attempts)
Chronic use of corticosteroid therapy >20 mg/day
Chronic use of illicit drugs, addiction, alcoholism, or substance abuse

As you can see Medifast list Pregnancy and Lactation as an "Absolute Contraindications". :( Sorry if that is not what you wished to hear but I do hope it helped to answer your question. :)


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Postby Serendipity » March 12th, 2006, 7:18 am

Lala, Hi and welcome. I think if I was breastfeeding right now, I would use Medifast as a snack because it would help to prevent weight gain. For example, a Medifast bar would be a better choice than a Hershey bar - and way more satisfying and nutritious, too. All of the supplements are packed full of vitamins. Breastfeeding itself is a great way to get back in shape after pregnancy if you watch what you eat, so Medifast products used as snacks can help you get there without harming your milk supply.
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Postby Lisa_Z » March 13th, 2006, 8:06 pm

You need to eat healthy and ADD calories to your daily diet while breastfeeding. You should not be on ANY calorie-restricted diets until after you wean the baby. I believe the average person is advised to eat around 2200 calories a day during lactation. Just focus on eating healthy & the weight will most likely come off quite easily. Nursing burns lots of extra calories. I actually lost 40 lbs both times I was breastfeeding my children without trying at all! (Then the weightloss stopped & I had to actually try from there). But you aren't supposed to lose weight during that time anyway-- the little buggers need all the nourishment they can get from you!

Good luck! Cherish this time with your baby, don't worry about your weight now-- it goes by too fast! :cry:

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