Meat options

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Meat options

Postby KLCHRISTIAN » May 23rd, 2005, 2:53 pm

Hi All,

I am new and have some questions about the lmeat options on the 5/1 plan.

Does the kind of meat you eat affect how many ounces you get? I believe I read somewhere that the amount is different based on the leanness of the meat. We regularly eat wild salmon and wild game. I know that the wild game is very lean, but I was not sure how many ounces I can have.
What about, steak, ham and white meat chicken?
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Postby Nancy » May 23rd, 2005, 9:36 pm

The current protocol according to the Take Shape For Life Quick Start Booklet shows 4-5 ounces of lean meat for women, 6-7 ounces for men.

The company is currently revamping the serving sizes and as yet, they are not available. I will post them as soon as I have an official announcement.

Shrimp, crab, fish can all be eaten in a slightly higher portion size such as up to 8 oz.

Salmon is a little higher in calories than other fish so I would adjust the serving size accordingly.

Steak and pork are higher in calories so go with the lower 5 ounce portion.

If you eat deli ham, it is usually very lean.

re: wild game - I'd check a calorie book for a better idea about the serving size.

The total calories for the Lean and Green can be up to 300.

Prepare meat by removing all skin and visible fat before cooking. Bake, grill, broil or poach meats. Use non-stick spray to stir-fry. Spices, herbs and salt and peppa may be used with sweet abandon! A small amount of mustard, ketchup or BBQ sauce may be used. There are many low cal/low fat marinades available now.
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