maybe I could use some help...

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maybe I could use some help...

Postby AlexLHH » July 15th, 2006, 6:36 pm

I don't know why, but Medifast is making me seriously depressed. Perhaps because I wasn't able to face the reality that I put on 30 pounds in the last 3 months and already needed to lose probably 20.

But now, all I can think about are my flabby arms, my gigantic thighs, my unacceptable tummy... I'm almost done with week 5 and my clothes have not gotten any looser, although my face is thinner. It's to the point where I don't even want anyone to see me except my immediate family.
After my first week few weeks I was only down 2 pounds so I decided not to weigh myself anymore...
The more I do this the more hopeless I feel about ever reaching my goal.
Has this happened to anyone else? I thought this whole diet thing was supposed to make me happy!

I know this is kind of personal, it's just that this is a rather frustrating, and unexpected, aspect of Medifast for me.
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Postby Dayna » July 15th, 2006, 7:23 pm

Hmmm . . . two pounds in a few weeks seems a little on the slow side. Would you mind posting a typical daily eating schedule (what and when)? Are you taking any medications that might interfere with your weight loss?

Rate of loss aside, however, don't let your weight get you down. I know, I know, easier said than done. It used to drive my husband nuts that every time I started actually working on my weight, suddenly I'd get all depressed about it. I finally figured out that it was because when I started working on it, I had to honestly face it, and I really missed denial. :mrgreen: You are taking the necessary steps to get yourself healthy! You are taking charge of your health and your life! This should be a moment of empowerment, not discouragement. Our thighs, our tummies, our arms (you should see the batwings I've got going on right now!), they are what they are. But our actions, not our various body parts, define who we truly are - and by your actions, by doing what needs to be done for life-long health, you are declaring yourself worth far more than any ol' TEMPORARY tummy pooch can take away.

Also, bear in mind that as you go along, each pound becomes a larger percentage of your body weight, so that the visual results will speed up as you get closer to your goal. My first 10 lbs (starting at 259) didn't make much difference in how I looked. The most recent 10 lbs (from 199 to 189) have been pretty significant. The changes will happen, and in the meantime, don't get down on yourself for needing to lose weight. You're in good company in that catagory, along with the majority of the US population. ;) And let's see if we can't figure something out in your schedule/eating routine that might move the process along a little more quickly.

EDIT: I just saw the thread in which you talked about going to the doctor. How did that go? What did the scale there show? Is there any evidence of medical problems behind your weight gain or your rate of loss?
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Postby AlexLHH » July 15th, 2006, 7:38 pm

Re: doctor, I went, but they still have no results! Crazy! They said to call again next week. But I do have normal blood pressure, and all of that.

I can't wait for the results to speed up! I'm thinking that for my 6th week I'll full fast just to see if I experience a difference.

Thanks for the encouiragement :D
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Postby Arklahoma » July 16th, 2006, 8:05 am

Alex ~ Only do the full fast if you're doc lets you, not on your own. Like Dayna said, post your food schedule and let's see if we can't figure this out.
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Postby DogMa » July 17th, 2006, 8:22 pm

Hey, Alex, just wondering how you're doing and if you've heard from the doc yet.

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Postby Tankie » July 18th, 2006, 1:42 pm

I know how you feel.....I've lost just over 40#'s and some days I feel fatter than ever....but I keep sticking with it, I figure it's just gonna take a little longer for my mind to catch up with my body...

It's been swell but the swelling's gone down...

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Postby alohacate » July 18th, 2006, 5:24 pm

I totally feel you! It is frustrating realizing that yes the weight is there and no it is not going to all come off overnight, over a week, or over a month. My doctor was the one who directed me to Medifast in combination with a drug to help with my insulin resistance. I think the suggestion to check with your Doc is a really great one........ Head up, Keep on SHAKIN!!
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