I used to drive around to the different TJMaxx, Marshall, and Ross stores looking for my sugar free syrups. The flavors were either weird or completely out, very inconsistent, and I only saved a dollar or two.
I don't know if you have a Cost Plus World Market in your area, they have spread nationally but I don't know where. (check their worldmarket website and click on the store locator.) They have every flavor imagainable in Torani (sp?) and are always well stocked.

I think about $6/bottle, give or take a dollar. (Make sure to grab the sugar-FREE because they have both and I don't even want to imagine pouring the sugar syrups in our drinks

I like to compare the cost to a $6+ dessert or drink I might have ordered in the past BMF (before MF

) It was gone within a 1/2 hour, and left a residue on my hips. One bottle lasts for many a shake and leaves no residue except a yummy taste.
Hope you can find them.