It's snowing big, fat flakes here today. Luckily, I dont' really need to use my car...all I have planned is a walk with a buddy and cleaning my house.
Now if I remember correctly, day 5 is right around the time I start to get into the Medizone. Already, my cravings have been considerably easier to tolerate than when I was on Weight Watchers (where I became monster!) but I'm still looking forward to an even more comfortable program.
The girlfriend I'm walking with is thinking of starting Medifast. She only has 20 pounds to lose
but it seems to bother her almost as much as my 93. I believe it's that painful for her, because I remember being there. And I have another friend who is in a situation more like mine. I'm dying to tell her about Medifast but I want to wait until she sees a change in me and asks!
Today is day one of my blood pressure medicine. It is a diuretic, which I understand is meant to force water out of my blood and ease the pressure. But doesn't my blood need the water? That said, water loss on my body always feels good.
Anyway, I have an excellent day plannned. Many cups of herbal tea and lots of loud music and even some dancing in my living room. And when it's all done, a house that feels good to be in again.
So, I'm off. Have a lovely day, everyone.