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Postby Mommy2girls » August 16th, 2005, 8:55 am

From your post...
I am facing something myself at this time that is threating to pull me under..Please keep me in your prayers for the next few days..Thanks to all of you..Martha

Martha, whatever it is, may God give you strength to get through this hurdle and keep on going!!!

HUGS! :hug:
Last edited by Mommy2girls on August 18th, 2005, 2:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby martha » August 16th, 2005, 10:35 am


THANKS SO MUCH-- I have been struggling all morning and thought I would try reading a few posts instead of going in the kitchen again..I have decided NOT to cook tonight as it would be too hard for me at this time.. I have been like a buzzard circling a dead animal in the road :oops: Hey that's 1 way not to eat what i have been smelling--think of it as ROAD KILL :shock: you know what they say about us Cajuns--we eat about anything :mrgreen: --Seriously though THANKS from the bottom of my heart..I am really glad you sent the hugs as I needed them this morning..Martha
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Postby want2Bthin » August 16th, 2005, 12:27 pm

Sheila & Martha-

I will keep both of you in my prayers. If I can do anything to help either of you, PLEASE let me know.
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Postby Mommy2girls » August 16th, 2005, 8:02 pm

Martha, I'm glad you came to the board to help pull you through. I had to laugh at the thought of buzzards circling roadkill....eeeewww. That visual would certainly turn me off from eating food!

I keep meaning to ask you where in Mississippi you are from? My FIL is from Newton Mississippi and they just spent almost 2 years living there in Newton with FIL's mom (she is in her 80's and so he decided they would retire there.) However due to some health issues they moved back to Colorado after being in Newton for over 20 months. We weren't happy that the health issues forced them back but we are loving every minute of having them back here.

Anyway, I just wondered if you had ever heard of Newton and what part of MS you are from!

Angelia, thank you so much!!! You are so sweet. This board really is a livesaver sometimes, thanks for your support too! Ditto right back atcha whenever you need some support, I'm definitely here for you!
Last edited by Mommy2girls on August 18th, 2005, 2:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby martha » August 16th, 2005, 8:50 pm


I live in Wiggins. Ms.. It is about 30 miles form the coastline(GULFPORT) and yes I have heard of Newton as my niece's husbands family are from there..Their last name is GIbbs..
Yeah the roadkill thing and smell would be a BIG turnoff for eating, :mrgreen: HEY maybe I need to take a picture of the next roadkill and post it at the icebox :mrgreen: (NOT) But a thought non the less..
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Postby Nancy » August 17th, 2005, 1:10 am

Martha ~

:redhead: Sheesh!

Forget the roadkill - think of a turkey buzzard circling us if we don't get ourselves healthy and thinner!

I have a Tee Shirt around here somewhere with a "Roadkill Cafe" logo on it and a list of funnies. I'll have to dig around in the drawer and/or closet and see if I can find it and tell ya what it says. It's a :hatch:
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Postby Nancy » August 17th, 2005, 2:08 am

You Kill It, We Grill It

Center Line Bovine

Tastes Real Good, Straight From The Hood

Flat Cat ** served as a single or in a stack

Swirl Of Squirrel ** You'll go nuts for our squirrel

Rack Of Raccoon

Awesome Possum

Smear Of Deer
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Postby martha » August 17th, 2005, 2:27 am


THAT"S really cute..I have seen shirts for the" Roadkill Cafe" but never took the time to read them..and have a cookbook for it too.It is funny :mrgreen: :mrgreen: .. Most of that is eaten here..even some of my family has been known to do it BUT not this old girl--sorry don't do the roadside kill- alligator-swamp rat-rabbit-squirrel-raccoon-possum- snake-chocolate covered ants-and a whole lot more of those varmits..I'm CAJUN but NOT that cajun :mrgreen: :mrgreen: Thanks for sharing--Martha
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Postby Nancy » August 17th, 2005, 2:43 am



I need someone to come out here to the MakeMeThinner Cottage back yard and git the :twisted: 'coons that are doing their wild animal thang here. They scarfed all the polywogs out of the back pond and tore up the lily pads, knocked the bird feeder and windchimes outta the tree and for the lst two weeks have been circling the big pond where the koi and goldfish live.

We had backyard carnage right here :x in the 'burbs.

The :twisted: neighbor cat atttacked and dragged some of the little cotton tailed bun-buns from their nest under the geraniums and near the rhubarb off to maul them and harm them permanently...

I have roadkill in our back yard.

Poor Unca has been sleeping on the patio on the chaise to keep his :cateye: out for Rocky, Rose and the three little 'coonettes...

Cajun, eh? Can ya cajunize the coons in our backyard?
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Postby ladyhawke » August 17th, 2005, 3:43 am

Martha it might have something to do with the full moon, I felt like that a few days ago and noticed last night the moon was full or almost full.

A good thing to do is have another shake and try to ride it out.
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Postby BerkshireGrl » August 17th, 2005, 2:33 pm


May the :angel:'s give you STRENGTH! :)

Hope you are pulling through the tough stuff! You're in my thoughts...
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Postby deecee » August 17th, 2005, 5:11 pm

no matter what you're going thru, my prayer are with you to be victorious over it.
stay strong and prayerful :angel:
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Postby Marcelle » August 18th, 2005, 8:18 am

Martha - you have been so supportive of me (and everyone ) that I wanted to check in and see how you're doing.

Your in my thoughts and prayers too!

Keep us posted!

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Postby Alisha » August 18th, 2005, 10:12 am

Martha, you're always there to offer support and a kind word. If there is anything at all I can do, please ensure to let me know.

I wish you every success in overcoming whatever obsticles you face and I'm sending many a virtual hug your way! :hug:

Take care.

Alisha :rose:
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Postby LeeannNH » August 18th, 2005, 1:24 pm

hi martha

im sorry to hear you are having a rough time...i havent been on for a few days and was sorry to read you were upset. you are always so wonderful and its awesome to see everyone rallying around you! :mrgreen:

hang in there and let us all know how you are doing

your mf buddy
leeann ;)
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