Since there seem to be a few of us rapidly approaching this new and scary phase in our journeys, I thought it was time to make this section of the board more active. I thought I would start things off with a few thoughts about maintenance and ideas I have for making it work.
First, I think most of us have successfully lost sometimes significant amounts of weight in the past. What none of us has successfully done before is kept that weight off. To me, this means that maintenance is where the rubber hits the road. The weight loss phase is hard but as we have pointed out so often, it is temporary and relatively fast. Maintenance is forever and requires us to develop and use skills we have never mastered before now.
Here are some things I'm thinking about as I am now within a few weeks of my goal:
First - and I have not confessed this to you before now - I joined Weight Watchers a few weeks ago. I did this for a couple of reasons. First, I have lost count of the number of times I've done WW in my life. I have even been relatively successful but have never made it all the way to my goal weight. I am getting to WW goal (even if I'm cheating by not doing it on WW). Second, I needed to join while I still has weight to lose so that I could become a lifetime member which will give me some accountability but I will not have to pay anymore. Finally and most importantly, I don't feel like I can move from transition to no plan. I need some structure as I figure out how much of what I can eat without gaining weight. WW gives me a mechanism I already know and am comfortable with to do that.
Second, I spoke to a friend of a friend who is a dietician. She had a couple of suggestions. The first one was to get a resting metabolism rate done. She said I should wait until I am out of ketosis for at least 2 weeks to get a reasonably accurate reading. This will give me a good idea of exactly how many calories a day I can eat and will also allow me to figure out how many calories I burn in a given activity. I am lucky that I can get this done at the health center where I work but they are easily available at many health clubs, etc.
She also stressed being part of some sort of program focused on maintenance. Whether it's WW, OA or something else, it is really important to get support and advice going forward.
FInally, she mentioned a software program called Balancelog. Once you have your RMR, you plug it in and it calculates and tracks everything you do and eat. It also breaks down the components of what you are eating and helps you track protein, carbs, sodium, etc. as well as calories. Also helps you to better connect the incoming with the outgoing to allow you to make better food/exercise tradeoffs. A coworker uses it and swears by it.
I have been thinking about these things a lot. I still want to lose a few more pounds but what I want more is to maintain my weight loss for the rest of my life. Having this forum to be accountable to will also help me in that effort.
It would be great if others who are on or approaching maintenance would start sharing experiences and thoughts here. I think this would be helpful not only to maintainers or near-maintainers, but also to those in the weight loss phase who are starting to think about these things. Keeping it in a separate string will allow those who want to focus solely on weight loss for now to do that.
Looking forward to everyone's thoughts and ideas!