Whew! Glad to hear from you and to know that you are alive and reasonably well!
Susan, you are NOT gonna be left out in the rain, Little Darlin'!!
Maggie Girl ~ we send you our best

and know from experience that there are some very rough spots in the road of life.
We have learned that we are facing those difficult road hazards better now that we have been using Medifast. We have learned to not run to the refer the moment we feel stressed out. Sometimes the journey is long and rougher than we anticipated but we are making much better food choices and learning how to off-load our stress instead of loading up our fork.
We are not perfect and do not always make the perfect choice but we have found that food does not satisfy our deep soul needs nor does food hold us in the palm of its hand. It's been a journey! The people of the Make Me Thinner Forum are here for you!
Keep peekin' in on the Forum, lurk, post, share and survive!