Lauren ~ I am so envious of your Madonna adventure. I have not seen her in this tour but I did see her in Detroit for her Drowned World Tour. We were living in Oklahoma at the time so it was a pretty expensive endeavor. I had to pay scalper prices, but I had 10th row center and I could actually see her face as she sang. It was the most exciting experience of my life
(I'm not exaggerating) and I actually cried as she came up from under the stage in her first song.
Personally, I love her voice as much as her antics. She was just starting out when I was in high school and I quickly felt a connection with her and her music. To me, she is the epitome of intellect, humor, entertainment, and independence. My parents always raised me to take care of myself and to not have to depend on anyone else, so I can easily connect with her life story and climb to the top.
Interesting that she doesn't want A/C; however, she is Madonna and can do whatever she wants. She sells out every venue within minutes and people are willing to spend tons to see her. Heck, I guess I'll have to admit it. I spent $1000 per seat for her Detroit show and that was after months of trying to find something. Her Las Vegas and New York shows were selling aftermarket for over $5000 per seat
(and they sold out).
Hope you enjoy the show. My husband is definitely NOT a Madonna fan and was more than a little ticked out how much we paid to see her, but he thought the show was excellent. He said she was quite the entertainer.