I think that you are very honest about your self appraisal and also very practical when you say that you are FAT, FAT, FAT. I am assuming then that your goal is to NOT be FAT, FAT, FAT? Right?!
Typically people are able to reach their goal IF
1) the goal is simply stated;
2) the goal is a measurable goal; and
3) the goal is realistic or attainable.
Mike, you did state your goal in a ROUND about way (pun intended): to be UNfat.
FAT is to a certain degree measurable – Man, I just HATE that about fat – everybody instantly knows if you are fat or if you are not fat! It is certainly realistic and very healthful to be UNfat but what will you use as your measuring stick for reaching your goal? Do you have a particular weight that you are going for?
Dear dear Cyber Buddy hunching over your computer in you Hugely Baggy clothing, I want you to know that I do not disagree with you in any way – I was more than fluffy or flabulous, I was morbidly obese. I hated that ‘o’ word because it was so truthful. To me, ‘morbidly obese’ meant that I was gonna die sooner than necessary. MORBIDly Obese has such terminal connotations…it was a FINAL description of mois.
Yes, there are some fat folks that have some diseases, thyroid disorders, medical conditions or medications that cause them to retain fluids or to gain weight but the majority of overweight people are over weight because they have an overactive fork! We cognitively know we are fat we just don’t know HOW to get unfit. I take total responsibility for my fatness. I believe that is exactly what you are saying, too. Am I right?
For some people, our self-talk can become self-defeating. Women are good at denigrating themselves. Sports psychologists working with their clients have them visualize their success, speaking into themselves a winning attitude. I have never been in to that sort of thing myself – sounds too weird-o and wacked-out to mois but I did eaves drop on some of my own self-talk. I was amazed at how I belittled myself and how little I thought of myself. I loathed myself. I thought that I was disgusting. I got to the point where I had totally given up any hope of ever weighing a normal amount. I was hopeless. That is…until the soy diet!
Gosh, all I had ever heard about soy-based weight loss plans is that they tasted barfy!
I had gone on a health food kick in the 70’s and cooked with tofu and soybeans. Well, that lasted about a week. It was rubbery and it gagged my husband! I tried some of the soy protein powders available in the health food stores. When mixed with water, they formed gelatinous blobs of soy – I made horrid retching sounds when trying to swallow it. Terry thought that I had a furball caught in my gullet!
Weight loss plans using soy products just did not seem to be my bag. That is…until I discovered the RIGHT soy weight loss program!
I am not cured. I must carefully monitor my weight and my food intake every single day of my life. Thanks to the great medical soy protein diet, it is easier to safely manage my weight. Dr. Wayne Andersen calls it “medical food.” I love the portion control of the medically safe and medically endorsed soy weight loss plan – the soy protein packets are like little medical or prescription doses that I take at correct intervals. If I hadn’t taken the first step and chosen to do this, I would have been a medical fatality! I love this stuff!
Yes, the commercials and print ads SHOULD say results ARE typical with the Medifast weight management program. It gags me to read or hear about some of the popular weight loss plans on the market today. Last night there was a television commercial for a very popular weight loss plan named after a large city in California. The woman said she lost 57 pounds in nine months.
Mike, I lost 112 pounds in 7 months and 130 pounds total in 9 months. I lost the additional 18 pounds while transitioning from weight loss mode to weight and management mode! Yessiree, Mike – Medifast Weight Management works!
I speak 1- 2 times per week to groups of people that are interested in hearing about the benefits of soy for disease, health and weight management. I always cite the Johns Hopkins University study.
The medically substantiated findings are published from the Multicenter Evaluation of Health Benefits and Weight Loss on the Medifast Weight Management Program from The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. IMHO, one cannot argue with published medical weight loss averages. People that I work with and people that attend our support groups always say that they believe it IS typical weight loss using the Medifast Weight Management Program because they have watched me lose the fat or because they have seen my before and after pictures. They tell me that it is so cool to actually meet a real live person and to know that we have real weight loss results.
The School of Medicine at Johns Hopkins University abstract published the results that Males lost an average of 67.41 lbs and females lost an average of 47.5 lbs on the 16 week program. In giving my presentations, I always point out that these ARE typical AVERAGE weight losses – that I experienced more than 47 pounds in 16 weeks and so did my husband – that makes us ABOVE average, Mike! Hah! So far, Little Darlin’, you, too are ABOVE average!
If people consistently follow the weight loss program, they WILL consistently lose their weight and the results WILL be typical weight losses using the Medifast Weight Management Program, too.
I’ll tell ya, what really bugs the puckies outta me is the fact that NONE of my docs ever told me about a protein-supplemented fasting program. Not ever! For YEARS I have been talking to my doctors, begging for help and never once did they point me in this direction. I had major coexisting health problems – high cholesterol, borderline high blood pressure, high triglycerides, joint pain (while I still have arthritis in some of my major joints, the pain has been reduced significantly due to the fact that I am no longer hauling around 130 pounds of lard that grind away on my bones!
My doctors always told me to cut down on my food intake, exercise more – join a gym or health club. Some of my primary care physicians needed to lose some weight, too! They never told me HOW. I went to all the seminars and workshops and read all the publications available though our HMO. I was still fat. It wasn’t until January 2002 that my doctor suggested gastric by-pass surgery or told me to find a liquid fast. She did not direct me to the latter as our HMO does not provide that service to its clients. HMOs would rather allot thousands of dollars to surgically cut out body parts than to provide a healthy weight loss alternative.
After interviewing many laparoscopic bariatric patients, seeing their excess skin and skin folds, learning about the handfuls of vitamins and supplements needed for life sustenance, as well as the bland-tasting life-long diet plan and the fact that some fat folks died during or after surgery, I opted for the medically proven, safe and easy alternative, my gift of life came in a shaker jar and a little soy packet!
Knowing HOW to lose weight and HOW to maintain my weight is extremely freeing, Mike! Already you are beginning to realize the joy that comes from choosing to eat the right foods at the right times in the right amounts. Now you know exactly what I mean when I say, “Nothing tastes as good as thin feels.”
BTW, many of the people that come to our support groups come for reasons other than weight loss – go figure! Some actually come because they have an important event in the near future – like a wedding or a high school reunion. Gosh, I have NEVER been to my HS reunion – YET! Hee hee! Some have disease issues: 100% of our clients with Type 2 diabetes are off of their medication in 4 weeks to four months. That’s pretty impressive, eh? Some have recently had coronary by-pass and have decided to take better care of the their arteries and blood veins by using the Plus Coronary Health drinks – this product has an antioxidant – pycnogenal, nutrients with Coenzyme Q-10 that is sortta like a roto-rooter that reduces plaque and essential amino acids that reduce fatty build up in the liver and heart and maintain heart health.
Our neighbor lady experienced depression, night sweats and migraines among other menopausal symptoms. She used the Plus Women’s Health and virtually eliminated mood swings and crankiness. Her immune system has been boosted and she is not catching colds as often and her husband is ecstatic over the results of the soy protein on her moodiness.
There are many people that just want the convenience of having a healthy fast food. What could be faster than pouring water into the shaker jar, adding a packet of soy mix, give it a few shakes and vioila! Instant lunch – fast, healthy and good tasting. Although there are some posting to our forum that would disagree about the tasty part, eh?
The impact of the protein-sparing weight loss program that uses soy protein and not animal protein has changed my life! I do not need surgery to remove the skin fold like others that have survived bariatric surgery. I am back to the person I was created and meant to be!
Mike, you are on your way to health and renewed vitality. Go for your goal! We’ll see you to the finish line!