Made it through a day and a half

Questions/Comments about Weight loss Products.

Made it through a day and a half

Postby Ellen » October 7th, 2003, 11:35 am

I just wanted to come back and post that I have started the program. I'm really excited about this and very motivated to succeed. The first day was not too bad. I had a lot of concern about the taste of the shakes, but I think I can handle them. I do far prefer them frozen at this point. I tried one with out ice last night and it was pretty icky, but I dutifully drank it.

We had a lot of fun with the Orange shake. I mixed it up with about a cup of water and three ice cubes in the blender and tasted it and it was not nearly as good as the chocolate. So, I remembered reading that you could mix the shakes with diet soda. I have recently discovered that Diet Orange Sunkist is like heaven in a can. I swear it is as good as candy.... so, I took a seperate glass and poured a little shake and a little soda in there and mmmm.... very yummy. It tasted like orange sherbert. My thirteen year old son was right there wanting to taste everything every step of the way and even he liked it. However, after a few minutes, we noticed something strange. The more I drank, the glass didn't get any emptier... We had some strange lava like thing going on. :shock: The shake made the soda fizz and the bubbles were being trapped in the shake by the protein. So... It was like the shake that never ends. My son was in hysterics laughing at me as I'm trying to finish this shake. It tasted great, but there was a bit too much volume for me. I did manage to finish my lava shake, admist all his hooting and hollering, and needless to say I wasn't hungry all afternoon. Did have a bit of a belching issue though!! I will do the lava shake again, but I have to figure out a better way. I'm thinking less water, more soda... I'll let you all know when I perfect the recipe. :lol:
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Day and 1/2

Postby explorthis » October 7th, 2003, 2:09 pm

Ellen, hi. I am Mike, thought I would post about your success of 1-1/2 days so far. I posted on 10/01 Semi-Newbie (3 weeks) I am no way an authority on Medifast as of yet, but I check here every day in hopes of finding support and hopefully being able to give some in return.

Today marks day 30 for me. I began @ 337# (yes 3-3-7 pounds) I am going to be 42 next week, am 6'3" tall and about (or was) 100# overweight.

The first 3 days just as they say, are the hardest, but they are do-able. I know you can have those little suppliment meals, though I chose not to. I have not put one item of food in my mouth for 30 days. I am very proud of myself. If you saw me, you would understand why I own stock in McDonalds and Burger King!! (kidding) Being a monster sized person, I know it will take me 3+ months to get close to my goal. My guess so far is 30# I have shed.

Now that I am actually seeing some results (am REALLY feeling them) the work is beginning to pay off. Co-workers are noticing, which is a real ego booster.

As for the drinks, and the magic in finding something to make them better, I agree, they are not the best flavor (Do they make one in a Big-Mac flavor?) but my personal deal is (espically cause I have to consume 3 at work) is pour, mix and gulp. I don't have the patience or privacy to mix someting special, but perhaps this will make them better... ? I have not told a soul about this diet, except my immeadiate family.

Also laughed at your comment about your 13 year old wanting a sample drink... I have a 2 year old daughter that MUST have a taste of them also... I have to hide the shaker, or she is wrapped around my legs pestering me for a sip.

Keep up the start, it gets easier. I absolutely AM NOT hungry at any time. I know that my body is in this "Ketosis" stage, because of the lack of hunger. The only hard part I have is sitting w/the family in front of the TV, and seeing a commercials for Burgers/Fries/Shakes etc....

Please keep posting your progress.......

On the way to being "thinner" -Mike
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Postby Guest » October 7th, 2003, 5:41 pm

Hi Mike,
I saw your post earlier on the introduction forum and I almost replied to your post there. I'm glad to have someone to chat with about the diet. I am also doing the full program. I am doing the Medifast 55, so I do five shakes a day. Since I really like the idea of chewing, I'm substituting one bar for one shake every day. This way I can have four shakes and one bar each day. I also bought some of the crackers and if I get desperate to chew something, I'll add a pack of crackers each day. I'm about at the end of my second day and so far so good. I'm really not that hungry. I haven't cheated at all, and I have absolutely no intention of ever cheating. I figure as soon as you start justifying one bite of this or one taste of that, you start sliding down the slippery slope!

I also haven't told anyone about the diet. Well, I told my hubby and kids of course, but they are sworn to secrecy. I don't know why, but I feel very strongly about keeping this a private thing. That's one reason that it would be great to have some anonymous people to talk to online, so I keep hoping that the forum will pick up.

I've already been toying with the shake and gulp method you mention. I work part time and that would be good for my full days at work. Monday I came home for lunch and had a bar mid-afternoon, but it was hard to get both evening shakes in after work. Today I was off from work, so you'd think it would be easier to fit everything in, but I still have one more shake to go. I could easily skip it, but I'm afraid of messing up the ketosis levels and not getting enough protein in, so, I'll slurp it down in a little while.

Here's to success!! :)
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Postby Ellen » October 7th, 2003, 8:08 pm

WOW!! Two days and already they don't recognize me!!!!
That was my post up there, guess I look different already! They called me a guest. I guess you'll have to put out the good hand towels, company's here. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby explorthis » October 8th, 2003, 6:40 am

Ellen, I am here, and as long as I am on the program, I would love to have someone else to chat with. My Mom (she also posted as the "Mommie" - in the "introduce yourself room") began it with me, she actually got me interested in this. She got me into the Optifast thing (same type of program) 18-20 years ago - and it worked.

I don't know if my privacy thing is a vanity idea, or I am just tired of hearing all the girls in the break room speak about ther "supposed" ssuccess w/ Weight watchers, Jenny Craig, and Atkins. I work in a building w/ about 70 other employees, and we share the same breakroom different times during the day (at least as long as I can tolerate it). I get sooooo tired of hearing them speak about their "professed" knowledge of weight loss month after month, and they all look the same, with no real variances. 1 point here, 2 points there, (as W/W teaches you) they are allowed to have. No cheating etc... then as I watch the 2 religious dieters come in yesterday to the lunch room with a bag each of McDonalds, I secretly laughed inside. I have been in this boat more times than I can count. I am not making fun of them, just opted not to say anything untill I have lost soooo much, they must know what I am doing.

Loosing 100# will be a great feat for me, and I know that again it took me 42 years to get like this, and the loss will not happen over night, thus I am patient. McDonalds, or not, I am patient, and will not deviate.

I am waiting for one of the board moderators to come in here and set me straight, I am only taking 4 shakes/suppliments per day. The first 2 days I took all 5, then after the 4th one at 6:00 pm, I found myself having trouble to consume that last one at the 3-4 hour window after 6:00 pm, thus I have only been having 4 since about day 3 or 4, and successfully loosing, though this might not be the right way to do it.

I stepped on the scale last nite. Last time I weighed myself was the last part of 2002, I was 335. Last nite I was 296 WOWOW... I know if anything I had gained more since 2002, but since I did not weigh myself before I began (probably another vanity issue) I did not know my starting point. Last night I weighed 296 (335-296=39#) This is a 39# loss (unbelieveable is you ask me). Hard to believe when I actually did the calculation....

Look forward to hearing from you, and anyone else with stories...

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Postby Ellen » October 8th, 2003, 8:08 am

Mike, Congratulations on the 39 pound loss!! That is terrific! Think about it, 39 pounds must be somewhere in the neighborhood of what your 2 year old weighs. So, it is like you've been carrying her around day and night and now you've finally put her down! I remember my mother-in-law saying something like that several years back. She had about seventy pounds to loose and at the time, my niece and nephew weighed about seventy pounds combined. She said it was like she was carrying around both of those kids and she had to put at least one of them down!

Ok, I'm going to do it.... here are my numbers.
I'm 5'3" (if I stretch) and 40 years old. I weighed 248 pounds on Sunday night - the night before I started the plan. My goal weight is 125 pounds. This means I will be half the woman I am right now :shock: . I weighed about 130-140 20 years ago when my husband and I met. I thought I was so fat then!! I dieted and joined a gym and got down to 113 pounds and I knew I looked pretty darn good, but I still wasn't confident enough to wear a bikini. I wish now that I had. Back then, my "panic point" was 130 pounds. I would weigh myself weekly and if I got over 130 I would diet and work out until I was back in the safe range. After having my oldest son 15 years ago, I gained a few pounds and was running about 140. At that time I made 150 my panic point. I safely maintained in that range for 2 years. Then I got pregnant again and everything fell apart. I got very sick, got pneumonia which led to asthma. I spent a year on very high dose steroids, quit smoking, had the baby prematurely and gained a ton of weight. I've now been struggling in the 205- 240 range for quite a while and recently inched up to 248.

I am bound and determined to get rid of this weight once and for all. I am resisting the urge to step on the scale every five minutes. I have decided to weigh myself every week on Saturday morning and I'll come and post my successes in the Weight Loss Room. I am not sure how long it will take me to reach my goal, but I am committed for as long as it takes. If I have to drink shakes until summer, I will.

I am scheduling a time out for 3 weeks over Christmas. I am going to Germany for almost three weeks and I don't want to be on the plan in Europe. This is a once in a lifetime trip for me and I will be there with extended family. So I plan to re-introduce food a few days before the trip, eat sensibly while in Europe and then the very minute I am back on US soil, I will re-start the plan. This will be my only vacation from the plan. My wedding anniversary is next week, and we have birthdays and such in the coming months. I feel like if I start using holidays as excuses to go off the plan, it could be one of those slippery slopes, so I will drink my shakes and enjoy the thought of being thin much more than I could enjoy a dinner out or a slice of birthday cake!

Tell Mom to come and post if she likes so we can all help each other out. I'm also hoping a few others will jump in here.
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Postby Unca_Tim » October 8th, 2003, 2:54 pm

Hi Guys...and Goils...:)
You're doing a fantastic job! Keep up the great work. Not only at home, but here on the forum. Jeeez, where do i start. You guys got ahead of us here.

The volcanic shake cracked me up Ellen. Almost split a gut here reading it. :lol: Maybe you can patent it for insulating walls or something :idea:

It's great seeing you get creative with Medifast. Most people dont realize you can concoct all kinds of your own ideas to make it enjoyable. Just be reasonable and only add lowfat, healthy stuff to it. (Sorry jamming a big mac in yours... :shock: )

Oh...speaking of Mike, you better duck!
You MUST take all 5 of your meal replacements daily. The program is designed for this. You can actually plateau or gain weight if you under-eat. Your bod needs those nutrients and goodies to think it's getting fed well, or it can actually start storing anything you take in, into fat again. (ever see those bloated tummies on those poor starvin' kids?) So keep feedin' it every three hours. That didn't hurt too bad, did it?... :?

It's nice coming here and not having to deal with problems. (Although that's what we're here for) You guys sound like you're right on course. It's so exciting and rewarding to see you guys doing well. Keep up the fantastic work and keep us all posted..... :D
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Postby Nancy » October 8th, 2003, 9:32 pm

Hi ya, Kids ~

Wowser! You are dy-no-mite Folks! I just got home from work and just HAD to read the Forum and see about your progress.

Now I can fix supper (Ok - I conned Unca Tim into fixing a piece of fresh salmon on the barby for me - he's out there with a flashlight barbecuing for mois. What a guy! What a great brother-in-law. I Love that man!)

Now I've gotta relax for a bit and then I must snore by 11:30 PM. Thursdays are killer days for mois - 15+ hour days. We had company until 1:15 AM this morning talkin' about how much we LOVE to help others to be losers, too...& then I had to boing up bright and early for a full day at the college so I shall not write much tonight.

The GOOD thing about this healthy eating plan is that one does have great energy levels and excellent nutrition...

After reading tonight's Forum postings I have a comment:

O.K., People, raise your right hand and repeat after mois,

"I promise (I'm waitin' to hear ya say it, "I PROMISE...")

to take in ALL of my meals ("To take in ALL of my meals...")

and to NEVER. NEVER, NOT EVER skip a meal or Nancy will harm me.("and to NEVER, NEVER, NOT EVER skip a meal or Nancy WILL harm me...")

Yep, that's the deal - no skippers allowed!
Remember, we are Take Shape For LIFE. LIFE = feeding your bod properly, feeding it on time, feeding it the right amount. Skippers risk losing their health and storing flab again. We're losers, not squirrels or storage tanks!

I TOTALLY understand about NOT telling others that you are observing a health management plan. You will be able to tell others pretty soon but it is scary at first - we have failed so many times in the past and it takes a month or two for those of us that have a lot of weight to lose to be able to place our confidence in the program and in ourselves. You are doing a great job! I have confidence in YOU.

Go for your goal! Write out a list of all the reasons WHY ya wanna lose weight. Read your lists out loud several times a day - keep your goals ever before you. We'll see you there!
xxxooo Nance
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Reasons to lose.. ?

Postby explorthis » October 9th, 2003, 8:39 am

Per Nancy's request my reason for wanting to lose:

I AM FAT! Repeat it w/me: I AM FAT, again, I AM FAT!


I have to ask, though the program is designed for "5 supplements p/day, what actually is my body going to do w/only 4? I know all the nutrients, and fuel are designed for 5 (meaning addiionally 500 total calories vs. 400 that I am consuming now)

I am not proposing that anyone deviate from the program, I just have a real hard time "WANTING" that 5th supplement in the evening, and since I am seeing SUBSTANTIAL progress, do I need that 5th suppliment?

It has been 30+ days, and I have lost 35+ pounds on 400 calories, thats a pound+ per day. If I begin to see a plateau or a gain (how can I gain when my body is used to taking in not 400, but 4,000 (lying obviously) calories per day) I will change the regemin to the 5. But for now, 4 is working for ME.

I am substantially loosing. Will this additional 100 calorie suppliment make me lose faster?

Additionally I am taking in nothing additional o'er and above the suppliments. This means NOTHING in my mouth, except the ocassional diet coke, and those 0-0-0-0-0 everything flavored waters from the local grocery. I additionally every night (like a treat) have 2 cups of bullion - the no calorie type cubes)

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Reasons to take 5 supplements

Postby Unca_Tim » October 9th, 2003, 10:04 am

Hi Mike,
It's gonna be so fantastic to see you scratch that reason off your list for wanting to lose. We're all "almost" as excited as you to see you get there.

I can't claim to be a Doctor, or Nutritionist but i'll state my opinion on why to try to implement all 5 of your supplements.

Medifast has been clinically developed and improved for over 20 years. It's been through years of clinical test at Johns Hopkins University. As you stated, it is already a VERY low calorie diet. Each meal contains a minimum of 20% of all the required vitamins, nutrients, etc.... Thus, 5x20% supplies you with all the needed daily nutrition for safe, rapid weight loss.

Although calories are a big part of weight loss, you also want to be healthy during your loss. Otherwise we could all just starve ourselves into being thin if we had the will-power.

Your pound a day loss is at the top of the curve for men. You're doing fantastic! I dont want to belittle your accomplishment, but your results are not untypical for people who follow the plan religiously. Especially at the beginning of the program for people (men especially) who have quite a bit of weight to lose.

The body needs glucose for energy. In our western diet, it obtains this from the massive amounts of carbs we take in. We all know where those extra carbs end up.

When we limit our carbs and enter the state they call ketosis, our body begins searching around looking for another source. It finds it in our fat cells and begins burning them off.

Here's the clincher for your question Mike. Once in ketosis, your bod also searches around for Protein for a source of glucose. If it cant get enough protein from your diet (5 supplements a day), it will begin feeding on your muscle.

We've all heard the stories of muscle loss related to low carb diets. Medifast is formulated so that you recieve the necessary amount of protein to combat muscle loss during the plan.

Soooooooo, in my humble opinion Mike, it's not worth an extra pound or two a week, to take the risk of muscle loss and the chance of not getting all your vitamins, nutrients insure you stay in optimum health while on the plan.

Keep up the great work.
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What? You are Skipping meals??

Postby Nancy » October 13th, 2003, 12:04 am

Mikey in the Hugely Baggy clothing,

I am happy to know that you have a goal and that you wrote it down. Because I am fat, fat, fat IS a reason but frankly, Mike; I was hoping that it would be stated in a more positive form. AN example might be, My goal is to go to the beach without wearing a t shirt this summer, to be firm and fit and not shake like a bowl of jello when I walk, etc.

My goal was to keep my toes and make my husband proud of me. I was afraid that I would develop diabetes and lose my toes to amputation. I love my toes and I love my husband and wanted to keep them both! :lol:

You do have a noble goal to reach your appropriate and healthy weight.

Now, let’s address the issue of the four versus five shakes a day.

Unca T is exactly right. We want to preserve your muscle. Medifast is a totally nutritionally - balanced and safe plan WHEN you follow the protocol.

Mike, your heart and your brain ARE MUSCLES!!! :shock:
Listen very carefully to what I am going to say to you: Use what’s left of your northern muscle, drink all five shakes every single day, Little Darlin’ so that your heart continues to work. Got it? :wink:

I do NOT want to hear that you had to go for an ambulance ride. Now get your buns out there to the kitchen and mix up your fifth shake. Tip your head back and slurp it down. Just do it. :roll:

Muscle tissue is made up primarily of protein. When you withhold the fifth shake, you are reducing your protein intake to an extremely low level. If your intake is too low to sustain your daily activities, the bod searches for more and sucks up your brain or heart or other protein sources. Drink all of your shakes!

You may safely have 500 – 800 calories a day, remain in ketosis, preserve your muscle and have no hunger cravings.

You will look so fab, preserve your muscle and not end up looking like jelly belly IF you take in all of your necessary nutrition. :D

PS Do ya still love mois? :lol:
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Re: What? You are Skipping meals??

Postby explorthis » October 15th, 2003, 9:49 am

Nancy wrote: I am happy to know that you have a goal and that you wrote it down. Because I am fat, fat, fat IS a reason but frankly, Mike; I was hoping that it would be stated in a more positive form. AN example might be, My goal is to go to the beach without wearing a t shirt this summer, to be firm and fit and not shake like a bowl of jello when I walk, etc.

Nancy, of course I still love you.

Lest we forget, most have probably began the program because they were either overweight, had a few # to shed, had tight clothes, or like me were FAT. I have never been one to sugar coat the facts, I state it like it is. Most might say it one way (and this is their option) I choose to say I am FAT. This is the reason I am on the program. I would NEVER belittle anyone for their opinion, but my view is my view.

If Medifast were to EVER make a commercial for Television, why not tell it like it is? Why are we dieting? Oh, say some, I want to be able to loose 5# so I can fit in that lovely prom dress, (results not typical) I want to loose 10# so I can go to my high school reunion (results not typical) Most people want to see it like it is, but we as a community stopped telling it like it is, but choose to sugar coat it. What are "results not typical"? I see this on every weight loss commercial - what a bore! Make a commercial or ad that lets people know MEDIFAST WORKS.....

I don't have an anger problem, nor am I trying to belittle myself or anyone else, but I am FAT, I have a weight problem, that is my own fault. It is not the fault of my metabolism, or someone else, I EAT too much, and the reason for my being on this program (aggressive as it is) is so I can get un-FAT!

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Postby Unca_Tim » October 15th, 2003, 7:53 pm

Hey Mike,
Us guys can be a little blunter than the ladies and sometimes the truth is the best motivator of all. I like your attitude and that you're facing up to the facts and doing something about it.

Speaking of commercials, Medifast just ran a two week test commercial a couple weeks ago, but we didn't get to see it out west here. From what i hear, it was pretty good. They're starting a longer term campaign in January.

I hope they read your post and take note. There's no better testimonial than the truth and if people dont face up to their problems, there's not much reason to do anything about them.

The "typical" results on Medifast in a 16 week study by Johns Hopkins University was 47 lbs for women and 67 for men. That was the "average" results. There's no other diet, that i know of that can claim those clinical results. So you're right again.
Just the facts mamn....that's all Medifast needs....:)
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Postby explorthis » October 15th, 2003, 8:10 pm

Unca_Tim wrote:Hey Mike,
Us guys can be a little blunter than the ladies and sometimes the truth is the best motivator of all. I like your attitude and that you're facing up to the facts and doing something about it.

Unca, Tim, Unca_Tim, or what ever you prefer to be called. Thanks for the support. I was ready for a shaker cup beating from you, and I thought Nancy. I was very surprised, not to mention (extreemely) appreciative to see support from you, for me telling the truth. I am one that likes the BLUNT truth, and am not afraid to say it.

Testimonial-Truth-Blunt-Guy-Mike :!:
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Postby Nancy » October 15th, 2003, 8:19 pm


I think that you are very honest about your self appraisal and also very practical when you say that you are FAT, FAT, FAT. I am assuming then that your goal is to NOT be FAT, FAT, FAT? Right?!

Typically people are able to reach their goal IF
1) the goal is simply stated;
2) the goal is a measurable goal; and
3) the goal is realistic or attainable.

Mike, you did state your goal in a ROUND about way (pun intended): to be UNfat. :D

FAT is to a certain degree measurable – Man, I just HATE that about fat – everybody instantly knows if you are fat or if you are not fat! It is certainly realistic and very healthful to be UNfat but what will you use as your measuring stick for reaching your goal? Do you have a particular weight that you are going for?

Dear dear Cyber Buddy hunching over your computer in you Hugely Baggy clothing, I want you to know that I do not disagree with you in any way – I was more than fluffy or flabulous, I was morbidly obese. I hated that ‘o’ word because it was so truthful. To me, ‘morbidly obese’ meant that I was gonna die sooner than necessary. MORBIDly Obese has such terminal connotations…it was a FINAL description of mois.

Yes, there are some fat folks that have some diseases, thyroid disorders, medical conditions or medications that cause them to retain fluids or to gain weight but the majority of overweight people are over weight because they have an overactive fork! We cognitively know we are fat we just don’t know HOW to get unfit. I take total responsibility for my fatness. I believe that is exactly what you are saying, too. Am I right?

For some people, our self-talk can become self-defeating. Women are good at denigrating themselves. Sports psychologists working with their clients have them visualize their success, speaking into themselves a winning attitude. I have never been in to that sort of thing myself – sounds too weird-o and wacked-out to mois but I did eaves drop on some of my own self-talk. I was amazed at how I belittled myself and how little I thought of myself. I loathed myself. I thought that I was disgusting. I got to the point where I had totally given up any hope of ever weighing a normal amount. I was hopeless. That is…until the soy diet!

Gosh, all I had ever heard about soy-based weight loss plans is that they tasted barfy!

I had gone on a health food kick in the 70’s and cooked with tofu and soybeans. Well, that lasted about a week. It was rubbery and it gagged my husband! I tried some of the soy protein powders available in the health food stores. When mixed with water, they formed gelatinous blobs of soy – I made horrid retching sounds when trying to swallow it. Terry thought that I had a furball caught in my gullet!

Weight loss plans using soy products just did not seem to be my bag. That is…until I discovered the RIGHT soy weight loss program!

I am not cured. I must carefully monitor my weight and my food intake every single day of my life. Thanks to the great medical soy protein diet, it is easier to safely manage my weight. Dr. Wayne Andersen calls it “medical food.” I love the portion control of the medically safe and medically endorsed soy weight loss plan – the soy protein packets are like little medical or prescription doses that I take at correct intervals. If I hadn’t taken the first step and chosen to do this, I would have been a medical fatality! I love this stuff!

Yes, the commercials and print ads SHOULD say results ARE typical with the Medifast weight management program. It gags me to read or hear about some of the popular weight loss plans on the market today. Last night there was a television commercial for a very popular weight loss plan named after a large city in California. The woman said she lost 57 pounds in nine months.

Mike, I lost 112 pounds in 7 months and 130 pounds total in 9 months. I lost the additional 18 pounds while transitioning from weight loss mode to weight and management mode! Yessiree, Mike – Medifast Weight Management works!

I speak 1- 2 times per week to groups of people that are interested in hearing about the benefits of soy for disease, health and weight management. I always cite the Johns Hopkins University study.

The medically substantiated findings are published from the Multicenter Evaluation of Health Benefits and Weight Loss on the Medifast Weight Management Program from The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. IMHO, one cannot argue with published medical weight loss averages. People that I work with and people that attend our support groups always say that they believe it IS typical weight loss using the Medifast Weight Management Program because they have watched me lose the fat or because they have seen my before and after pictures. They tell me that it is so cool to actually meet a real live person and to know that we have real weight loss results.

The School of Medicine at Johns Hopkins University abstract published the results that Males lost an average of 67.41 lbs and females lost an average of 47.5 lbs on the 16 week program. In giving my presentations, I always point out that these ARE typical AVERAGE weight losses – that I experienced more than 47 pounds in 16 weeks and so did my husband – that makes us ABOVE average, Mike! Hah! So far, Little Darlin’, you, too are ABOVE average!

If people consistently follow the weight loss program, they WILL consistently lose their weight and the results WILL be typical weight losses using the Medifast Weight Management Program, too.

I’ll tell ya, what really bugs the puckies outta me is the fact that NONE of my docs ever told me about a protein-supplemented fasting program. Not ever! For YEARS I have been talking to my doctors, begging for help and never once did they point me in this direction. I had major coexisting health problems – high cholesterol, borderline high blood pressure, high triglycerides, joint pain (while I still have arthritis in some of my major joints, the pain has been reduced significantly due to the fact that I am no longer hauling around 130 pounds of lard that grind away on my bones!

My doctors always told me to cut down on my food intake, exercise more – join a gym or health club. Some of my primary care physicians needed to lose some weight, too! They never told me HOW. I went to all the seminars and workshops and read all the publications available though our HMO. I was still fat. It wasn’t until January 2002 that my doctor suggested gastric by-pass surgery or told me to find a liquid fast. She did not direct me to the latter as our HMO does not provide that service to its clients. HMOs would rather allot thousands of dollars to surgically cut out body parts than to provide a healthy weight loss alternative.

After interviewing many laparoscopic bariatric patients, seeing their excess skin and skin folds, learning about the handfuls of vitamins and supplements needed for life sustenance, as well as the bland-tasting life-long diet plan and the fact that some fat folks died during or after surgery, I opted for the medically proven, safe and easy alternative, my gift of life came in a shaker jar and a little soy packet!

Knowing HOW to lose weight and HOW to maintain my weight is extremely freeing, Mike! Already you are beginning to realize the joy that comes from choosing to eat the right foods at the right times in the right amounts. Now you know exactly what I mean when I say, “Nothing tastes as good as thin feels.”

BTW, many of the people that come to our support groups come for reasons other than weight loss – go figure! Some actually come because they have an important event in the near future – like a wedding or a high school reunion. Gosh, I have NEVER been to my HS reunion – YET! Hee hee! Some have disease issues: 100% of our clients with Type 2 diabetes are off of their medication in 4 weeks to four months. That’s pretty impressive, eh? Some have recently had coronary by-pass and have decided to take better care of the their arteries and blood veins by using the Plus Coronary Health drinks – this product has an antioxidant – pycnogenal, nutrients with Coenzyme Q-10 that is sortta like a roto-rooter that reduces plaque and essential amino acids that reduce fatty build up in the liver and heart and maintain heart health.

Our neighbor lady experienced depression, night sweats and migraines among other menopausal symptoms. She used the Plus Women’s Health and virtually eliminated mood swings and crankiness. Her immune system has been boosted and she is not catching colds as often and her husband is ecstatic over the results of the soy protein on her moodiness.

There are many people that just want the convenience of having a healthy fast food. What could be faster than pouring water into the shaker jar, adding a packet of soy mix, give it a few shakes and vioila! Instant lunch – fast, healthy and good tasting. Although there are some posting to our forum that would disagree about the tasty part, eh? :shock:

The impact of the protein-sparing weight loss program that uses soy protein and not animal protein has changed my life! I do not need surgery to remove the skin fold like others that have survived bariatric surgery. I am back to the person I was created and meant to be!

Mike, you are on your way to health and renewed vitality. Go for your goal! We’ll see you to the finish line! :lol:
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
The Formerly FLABulous and Now very Fabulous
Nancy Pettit
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