Made it through my 1st day!!

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Made it through my 1st day!!

Postby momof9403 » April 19th, 2005, 8:06 pm

I finally got my order and started today. I think I did it right, though I had to bunch a few up to get them all in today:

Rec'd order @1015am
1045am Chocolate shake
145pm Strawberry shake
445pm Chicken breast (boneless,skinless) and 1 1/2 cups cooked green beans
645pm Banana shake
845pm Carmel Nut bar
@1045pm I'll have a Mocha shake

Tommorow I'll get an earlier start. My husband will be picking up some pre-cooked shrimp for me since we always EAT OUT on Wednesday nights. How many ounces should I have of this. I will have him pick me up some romaine as well and make a salad out of it.

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Postby Principessa » April 20th, 2005, 5:49 am

Congrats on Day 1!
I'm going ot leave the question about the amount of shrimp to some of the more seasoned veterans, as I've read some things that say 5oz. for women, like the QuickStart Guide, and then 7oz. on the Medifast website, AND a recent discussion about the protocol being changed and upping the amount to 7oz.
Unless you didn't get up until 9:45 you really should be getting your first supplement in earlier. You're supposed to have it within the first hour of waking since your bod has been fasting all night long. Other than that, you look good to me!
Congrats! Congrats! Congrats!

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Postby Principessa » April 20th, 2005, 5:51 am

Okay... sometimes I'm a bit of a ditz! I just re-read your post and saw that you didn't even RECEIVE your order until 10:15.

What motivation! You started within a half hour of getting your first order! Bravo!

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Postby 24KaratGold » April 20th, 2005, 7:13 am

Nancu has written"
Shrimp is very low in calories - I hesitate to write this in print because some people will mess with this and think they can increase their chicken, pork, or beef servings - which you can not! With shrimp you may have up to 7 or 8 ounces (men may have the higher end of the portion sizes).

That post is here. I recommend reading that entire post for questions on "what can I eat?"

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Postby Nancy » April 20th, 2005, 12:43 pm

Hello Jennifer ~

Forgive me for being late to respond here.

First, I am happy that your box of miraculous Medifast arrived. You really were waiting for it, weren't you? :felix:

You are to be :thumbsup: commended for working out your schedule and getting in all your supplements. Weigh to go!!

We are still :whistle: awaitin' the finalization of the protein serving sizes for the TSFL Quick Start Booklet…you know, Gentle Readers, I will let you know when everything is in place…

Shrimp is very lean – one of the best lean protein sources available. Crab (but not imitation crab meat – because it as a higher carbohydrate measurement) is also a very lean protein source.

You may actually have a slightly larger portion size of shrimp and crab – like up to 7-8 ounces, if you can afford it…
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Postby momof9403 » April 20th, 2005, 3:51 pm

The shrimp was pre-packaged at the seafood counter. I found the lightest one @ 0.67 ounces for medium sized shrimp. I used 2/3 of the pack and put the rest in the freezer. I don't have a scale, but I figured it was about right. I also had a small green salad with sliced mushrooms and tiny sliced tomatoes. I mixed it all together with some lemon juice.

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Postby Nancy » April 20th, 2005, 4:09 pm

Hi there, Jennifer ~

It sounds like you made a really good choice for your meal. :bib:

I suspect that the package was actually .67 of a pound not ounces which would mean the package held approximately 10.7 ounces.

If you had 2/3 of that, then your actual serving ended up being approximately 7 ounces and according to my noggin' it was :angel: perfect-oh!
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Postby bikipatra » April 20th, 2005, 4:26 pm

Now I want some shrimp. I am bored with turkey turkey chicken turkey...I am in a poultry rut!
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Postby Nancy » April 20th, 2005, 10:40 pm

biki ~
I am in a poultry rut!

I know exactly what you mean. :roll:

We ate so much chicken here at the MakeMeThinner Cottage that when I walked,
my head bobbed and I scratched the ground looking for bugs.

About sundown I found myself perched on the foot of our iron bed trying to tuck my head under my arm.

Terry really hated it when I started clucking and flapping my arms just as the sun was making its morning debut.

The final straw was when I took dust baths and got into a fight with a robin over a juicy worm…

Shrimp can be a good alternative but when you start curling up and have a pink tinge to your skin,
it’s time to switch to a lean serving of moo, oink or gobble-gobble!

Sometimes I :hatch: myself up!
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Postby DonicaB » April 21st, 2005, 9:00 am

All this talk about shrimp is making me hungry. Too bad they don't sell shrimp in the school cafeteria. HA! (I am on my conference period now so I am slurping a shake as I type this.)

Jennifer, it sounds like you have got things under control. Keep shakin' girl and you'll be dancing in the streets in no time. :dance:

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