I am so dang frustrated...and SO ready to start

WELL...fedx was here, I was ill, and not presentable if you all know what I mean, when I DID go to the door, he was gone, NO PACKAGE, AND NO NOTE...DANG IT ALL !!!
Called Medifast, seems it came from Maryland....so WHO knows where it is or where it is GOING....think I am GOING TO LOSE IT !!!!!

I Quit THIS nasty smoking habit, and got fatter...so can't even have a smoke...

sooooo upset...well, they told me at medifast, where I ordered that this came from TAKE SHAPE FOR LIFE, IN MARYLAND...WOW..I am confused...but they are going to try to find this...but WHY didn't they driver leave it...NO signature was required...dang people anyway,.,,THERE....I FEEL BETTER that I complained and got it OUT of my system...so is there a BETTER place to order from??????????