Low Blood Sugar

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Low Blood Sugar

Postby AJStory » June 16th, 2004, 7:13 pm

I have Type I diabetes and am running into some trouble with low blood sugar. I don't want to snap out of "keytonville" but I also need some sugar to keep me conscious :brickwall: :?
I try hard to keep things under control but sometimes low blood sugar sneaks up.
Any ideas? (For those who haven't experienced the "thrill" of low blood sugar, you feel like eating everything in sight to make the wacky feeling go away! (At least I have learned to rein in that behavior.
Thanks for the help
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Postby Nancy » June 16th, 2004, 10:31 pm

Hi, AJ ~

First of all, may I ask are you under a doctor's care?
Typically people with diabetes have a bar in the evening to help prevent low blood sugars during the night.

If you are a type 1 diabetic, Medifast does not recommend the program for weight loss but it can be used for weight maintenance.

As always, the aim is to balance exercise, regular blood glucose testing and a controlled diet.

Since the Medifast Plus for Diabetics Program is lower in carbs, sugars and calories than the standard ADA meal plan, it is really important to keep close contact with your diabetes specialist as your insulin and/or oral agents may be affected and your dosage may need adjustments. Diabetics may not do the Complete meal replacement Program and must do the recommended Five and One Program. Some people with diabetes need a slightly higher calorie protocol.

Are you using the Medifast Plus For Diabetics products (shakes and bars) or our regular line? If you are using the regular line, that could be affecting your blood sugar levels. As you know, avoid refined starches and carbs! Drink plenty of water, take your meals ON TIME and be consistent.
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sugar lows

Postby trish » June 18th, 2004, 10:26 am

I'm type 2 and was also fighting the lows so I drank Metamucil at least once a day when I was going low, especially at night. It gave me just enough sugar and you need the fiber anyway on a liquid diet. It's also suppose to help with diabetes anyway.

I put 1 heaping tablespoon of the regular (NOT sugarfree) in a glass with 16 ounce ice cold water (it says you only have to use 8 ounces, but I like it with 16 oz.) and I really like it. It's like a treat to me.

I also drink only 3 to 4 shakes and have 1 or 2 small meals. I can't stick to the 5 & 1 plan because it does take my sugars too low. BE CAREFUL and GOOD LUCK!!!

Texas Trish

Do you live anywhere near dallas texas?
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Postby AJStory » June 18th, 2004, 4:02 pm

Before starting the program, I checked in with my dr and it was approved. (He promotes a similar program connected with NuSkin.) I am pretty good at taking care of myself regarding testing and exercising. But as far as losing weight, it is much harder with diabetes. I try to be wise and take care of myself.

Medifast is helping me take off the weight after 7 years of trying and "failing" over and over again. And that adds more stress and self-loathing, and thus increases bloodsugars. So I am very grateful for the program. I have hope. I am trying to take time to focus on how maintainance will look and feel for me so I will be ready when it comes.

(As far as low blood sugars, they are not occuring in the night but during the day. I have a pretty busy life and that is when things sneak up on me. It isn't a danger because I can catch it. I just wanted to know if there was a better way of bringing up the blood sugars.)

Thanks for the input. :D
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Started out today, now low blood sugar comes on

Postby Jules » August 9th, 2005, 2:41 pm

Before I slurrped my first vanilla shake, I took my blood sugar reading. It was 111. That was about right. Then I "shot up" my insulin.....I took 10 units.....that used todo me......now, I'm seeing I could get by with less :) I felt that blood sugar low coming on :roll: and I tore open a chocolate shake pack and started up that blender!! Then I took my blood sugar reading....it was down to 71! I just didn't bother to "shoot up" again. As a rule, I can drop as fast as I can go up......Can anyone shed any light on this....or what I can expect as I go on??? By the way, this is my first day :) Medifasting in Ga., Jules
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Postby 24KaratGold » August 9th, 2005, 4:12 pm

Jules, you should be talking to your health care professional, not seeking answers like this online! Hie thee to the doctor, pronto!

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Postby INDIABELYEU » January 28th, 2006, 7:45 am

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Low Blood Sugar

Postby Jules, Guest » February 8th, 2006, 11:30 pm

AJStory & Indiabelyeu: I have been able to stay completely compliant to the 5 & 1 plan despite the low blood sugar issue since 10/04/05. I have managed todo this by chewing one or two glucose tablets when I have the low blood sugar drop. These are orange flavored and do the trick. You can buy them at your grocery store or pharmacy over the counter. They are made specifically for this diabetic issue. I have had to add a replacement or two at times, also. Your doctor needs to be aware of your low blood sugar situation. A simple blood test will give you the answer. Most of the time, diabetes presents with high blood sugar readings. Only a physician can tell you what is really going on.
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Jules, Guest

Postby keishaadyme » February 16th, 2006, 5:06 pm

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Postby falisamarie » February 16th, 2006, 5:24 pm

Some people here do have experience with this. They live with it everyday and you can't get any more experienced than that. This is an older post but I believe that they were asking for others personal experiences. As you probably read they were advised to consult their Dr

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Right On

Postby Jan » February 16th, 2006, 8:35 pm

You are exactly right Lisa. We never ever want to pretend to be medical personell or to try and give medical advice. We know our program very well and that's it. Diabetics must always check their blood sugars often and keep in contact with their Dr. We would never assume to advise them other than with program issues -- suggestions of when to have a bar etc. Even that needs to be determined by their individual blood sugar levels. We have no control over the questions asked -- only the answers. And, you are absolutely correct the individual in question was told to get herself to her Dr.
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