Low Acid Kava Instant Coffee?

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Low Acid Kava Instant Coffee?

Postby Guest » August 21st, 2005, 3:29 pm

I have missed the little pick me ups on the days that I have a lot to do. I used to have coffee or soda, but haven't had any these past three weeks. I noticed an instant coffee at walmart called Kava, it has 0 calories, 0 carbs, but 4 grams of protein... My question is, is this ok to have? Have any of you tried it before? It's suppose to be really good for people with stomach problems like acid reflux. It's basically acid neutralized coffee. It's good for people who like coffee, but it gives their tummies trouble. Anyone know if this is ok to have? It's got the same nutritional info as a cup of diet soda, but has 4 grams of protein. Is protein ok to have other than in the lean and green and the medifast? I am sure it's not high quality protein..lol
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Postby Nancy » September 7th, 2005, 10:47 pm

Hi ya, Guest!

So sorry that I missed this question. Guess I must have been in the hammock too long, eh?
I have not seen this Kava or used it but by your description, it seems like it would be totally fine.

I have noticed that it does not take me as much coffee to get revved any more – I drink half caf/half de-caf these days or I cannot turn off my brain at a decent hour….
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