All I can say is that I had the BEST time ever!!!! I was able to meet so many people and learn how to be the best Health Advisor I can be! I was able to finally meet Jan - my HA and Nancy and Terri and not to mention Tim (Unca). They are soooo great!
I was able to hang out with Smartipantz - who is a ball of laughs! I was able to meet Dogma, Bonnie and so many others! I have to say a BIG welcome to seemeloose! This is her first month and I know that is going to do fantastic!
The only thing I have to complain about is that I had to get up before the roosters and catch my plane back to Ohio! Then I lost two hours

I can't imagine Unca not posting pics and I know between the rest of us we'll be posting some as well!!!