FREEZE 'em you ask?

How could one possibly restrain themselves long enough to freeze a batch or two?

Here's my kitchen scenario - pull up a little bench and peer into the oven window while the delectable cookies are browning.

Wipe drool off my chin (notice I said Chin, as in singular. It used to be chins, plural).
The moment the timer ringy-dingy dings, grab 'em with the Ove' Glove, gingerly scarf them from the edge of the spatula.
Quickly plunge tongue in ice water to prevent blisters from forming...Dang! I hate it when Terry and Unca hafta call 9-1-1 because I have first degree burns on my 'buds.

However, you DID give me an idea...I could just lick the frost inside the freezer door to cool off my hotsy totsy tongue...