A lot harder than I thought :/

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A lot harder than I thought :/

Postby socalsss » May 20th, 2006, 11:54 am

Hi everyone,
I started on my first day yesterday, but it quickly ended! I had only 2 meals and did not really follow the schedule. I thought maybe there was some eating depressant in the food, but lo and behold when evening came around, I binged on everything because I was soo hungry! SO EAT THOSE 6 MEALS, THEY SOUND LIKE A LOT BUT MEDIFAST DOES HAVE REASONING FOR THIS!!! :)

I am going out of town this weekend and will be around a lot of delicious foods and alcohol. I am thinking about doing a detox cleanse for this week and starting Medifast the following week. Has anyone done this before or recommend it?
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Postby supermom » May 20th, 2006, 12:22 pm

If you are talking about the "master cleanser" type of cleanse and detox, well all I can say is this: If you can do that, you can CERTAINLY do medifast. All I did before I started the plan was go for a few days with reduced carbs and increased water and decreased caffiene. That helped me prepare for what lay ahead. If you are ready to commit, you can and will succeed. Just commit yourself, demand yourself to comply and don't look back. When temptation comes a knockin, and believe me, it will, don't answer the door. Just ignore it as if it were a bill collector!! All of the summer parties, BBQ's, just make yourself the designated driver, to avoid the alcohol, salad bringer, to make sure there is something you can eat, and just sit back and watch everyone else eat all of that junk and imagine how you are going to look and feel this time next year. There will be a whole new reason to celebrate. There will be a whole new you!!
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Postby VTGirlie » May 20th, 2006, 1:24 pm

Hey there. If you really want to do this, you can do it!!! Don't allow yourself to be sabotaged by... yourself! :bricks:

Definitely eat the meals every 2-3 hours and the horrible part goes away. I haven't been on long, and there are moments...literally... where I stay on by sheer force of will. (Imagine watching my husband make homemade pizza and garlic knots and sitting with my family last night watching them while I ATE my grilled chicken and salad. :bib: It wasn't easy, but when I think back on it, it really wasn't hard either. It's just that for me to get to where I NEED and WANT to be, I have to do things differently than other folks for a while-probably the rest of my life. :dooh:

But imagine slipping into a skinny pair of jeans, wowing old friends and family members, or having someone you just met describe you as "slim". These things make it worth it!!! :yay:

Lean on the folks here- they are lovely in every way!

Hope that helped just a bit.
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Postby Elke » May 20th, 2006, 3:17 pm

I have to agree with whats been said. I am on day 4 and yea I at times feel hungry but its usually time to eat when I feel it so thats ok. Drinking lots of water also helps you feel full so maybe you need to drink more.
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Postby lifelovinaries » May 21st, 2006, 10:43 am

The cravings really do subside if you get through the first 3 or 4 days with NO cheating. It may sound cliche but the food just isn't as appealing. But oh, believe me, the voices in your head do return trying to tempt you. Just take it day by day and make the decision to stay on plan for that day. This comes from someone who just spent a week of plan :oops: But I am back on track. At least I was back on track as of this posting. Hey, remember I said take it day by day!! I follow my own advice.

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Postby Jan » May 21st, 2006, 6:33 pm

Hi There,
Don't worry -- do overs are allowed. :D Count this as a learning experience and just begin again. It is very very important to eat all the meals. And, to eat them every 2 1/2 to 3 hours apart. You may even have an extra shake the first few days to get you through. Many of us -- me included-- gained our weight by not eating during the day and then digging through our cupboards in the evening. We ate everything we thought even sounded a little bit good. :? Hmmmm I even ate some things just to see if maybe they were good. :? And even today after losing the poundage and being on maintenance I must make certain I get in enough calories during the day or I'm heading to the cupboards in the evening. :cry:
Don't worry -- just follow the program and you'll do fine. :D
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