DonicaB ~
Whew! I am glad that you confessed. That is hard to do but you did it because you are not happy about it. You chose wisely for today, too. There really is no trying to do something – like Yoda says, we either do or we do not.
Beginning something is hard, continuing to do something is also hard.
Doing the right things that lead to a healthier body for 7 - 10 weeks compared to the years that you were not eating properly is a relatively short period of time and it takes a long time to really incorporate good eating routines on a daily basis to develop habits that become automatic.
Many people look at a weight loss program as a short term thing, we must change our outlook and thinking about this –
this must be the way we eat for most of the time, not just for three to six months but for most of our life, the rest of our days if we are to reach and retain optimal health.
If we do not; we will be overweight, limit the quality and the length of our lives.
Not everyone is willing to pay the price.
I think we must ask ourselves, “Do we want to settle for something to get us by or choose to do something that really makes a lasting difference?”
I see where you wrote that you began to lose it when school was winding down.
A teacher has a lot to think about and to do at the end of the school year: compilation of grades and report cards, room organization, packing and preparation for summer, returning to home, family vacation plans, garden work, perhaps college classes, etc.
When our schedule changes and our routines vary, it is easy to allow our focus to change and the best intentions to be set aside for the tyranny of the urgent.
IMHO, I feel establishing a written daily and weekly meal plan just like you were required to write a weekly lesson plan for your classroom and then implement it may be what you need to do.
If a teacher fails to plan for the students’ needs, chaos occurs in the classroom; if a teacher fails to teach the things that are required to meet the school district’s and the state’s standards, the children are robbed of an education and a teacher places their livelihood in jeopardy and may even be sued and end up with a fine for failure to teach.
If foodies fail to meet the caloric requirements for their body’s needs – ie. to take in more grub than what their body actually needs, their health is in jeopardy and they may become ill, are more susceptible to catastrophic diseases and illnesses such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke and some cancers and be possibly hospitalized, limiting the quality of their lives and that of their families and friends and die before necessary.
No one can do this for you, no one can sew your lips shut and we cannot send
Guido over to your home to put a strong hold on you; only Donica can do this.
When the reason why you choose to eat properly becomes bigger and stronger than the reason why you do not; you will be successful.
What do you want more?
Food and flab or health and fuel?
Donica, we want for you to reach a state of health - to be healthy in your body, in your mind and in your spirit. Let’s get it together, write out your daily food plan, set the bell system like they do in school to indicate the end of the class period and stick to it
as if your life depends upon it, because it does!
We have confidence in you, we
KNOW you can do it. Get your packets together, Girl and let’s DO it!